Obviously very pleased with the result and thought Obama gave a great speech. The days leading up to the election were getting me a little anxious! He's a good talker but he has a heck of a lot of work ahead. It seems his approval can only go down from here. While inspirational speeches are charming it'll be more interesting to see how he handles
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Comments 5
It's funny, really, how the people who claim to be the most patriotic and "true American" are in fact the least American of the lot by going around trying to make their religion's laws the law of the land -- a land that was founded on the principle of never allowing religious persecution ever to happen again.
Indeed, the First Amendment forbids laws respecting or inhibiting religion BEFORE it ensures free speech. The religious issue was that important.
The silver lining is that when it's found unconstitutional and overturned, as it *eventually* will, it will set a precedent for the whole country. I really hope it backfires on them. Hoist by their own petard.
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