[Eng. Trans. - Rajira Blog] - 2017.03.04

Mar 10, 2017 00:49

So, I started this post like 7 minutes while Thursday, so I'll consider this one, safe! LOL. This has nothing to do with this post but I've just finished a movie that I've been wanting to see for a long time, as usual for the Japanese ones, and I'm emotional. So, picture Inoo-chan while crying at Mezamashi, I'll add a pic at the end.

Next week there's no Rajira! so I'll try doing some of the two remaining πŸ˜…


At 8 o'clock the hosts are Hey! Say! JUMP's Yaotome Hikaru-kun and Inoo Kei-kun



"Rajira! A Grandparents' panel"

We will introduce incidents from grandpa and grandma!
I'm a middle school student. I still have a great-grandmother alive.
She's turning 113 y. o. this year. Without making a distinction between the foods she likes, she eats everything.
Inoo: It's hard to imagine
Yaotome: How many times our age!?
Inoo: It means she has memories from 100 years ago, right?
Things that don't even remain in documents. That's something that anyone would like to listen.

My grandpa's pride is that he was a referee at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics
Yaotome: That's great! He didn't say it until he was asked
Inoo: Grandpa and grandma do not have an image to talk about themselves.
On this occasion, let us hear your stories



I'll seduce YOU tonight

Tonight's cute item is: 'Sewing machine' (Mishin)

The one that goes first is Inoo-kun,
Inoo: It has been a long time! The first time we met I was in 3rd grade of elementary school.
At that time, I could not escort you well. I think that now I can escort you properly.
Starting today, you and me, I want us to be connected with that thread.
Of course, the thread is red (as in the red thread of destiny)

Second is Yaotome-kun!
Yaotome: It took me a while to handle you when I was little.
However, I think that I can handle you now that I'm an adult.
You can do anything like reverse stitching.
Mi ... Not for everyone, just mine
Shi ... Where is happiness for me?
N ... Would you like to find it by walking with me from now on?

The result from the listeners' voting is,
Winner: Inoo-kun!



"Rajira! A Grandparents' panel"

We will introduce incidents from grandpa and grandma!

My grandmother's hobby is patchwork.
Every week, at night I listen to Rajira radio
Recently, we listen to it together.

Let's try calling them!
Inoo: Good evening
Yaotome: Is your granny around?
Listener: She went to sleep today
Inoo: While you listen every week, what do you talk about?
Listener: During the seducing corner, she is silent
Yaotome: Sorry about that
Inoo: Please listen carefully to your granma.


And now, further info and my impressions about this week's Rajira (I'm using some transcriptions from this page) and most of the Tweets from nhk_radirer from here)
From now on, Y: Yaotome, I: Inoo, L: Listener (during phone calls)
- I don't write the pen-names or greetings for each mail, unless there's something remarkable about it.
- My comments or explanations are between brackets
- I really try typing everything but sometimes it's too long, so I sort of explain the situation
- As usual sorry for any mistakes

2017-03-04 Rajira! Saturday


Rajira! Saturday!
Konbanwa-hoi~! I’m Hey! Say! Jump’s Yaotome Hikaru
Konbanwa-hoi~! I’m Hey! Say! Jump’s Inoo Kei

πŸ˜€ Arioka-kun's seducing words were really good

πŸ“§ I:(Reading) Last week's Arioka-kun's seducing corner was perfect
Y: It was
I: Really, last week our guest was Hey Say JUMP's member Arioka-kun and he also did the corner, right? (And then the mail mentioned that the listener remembered what they said while in the shower later, and maybe something like even if Dai-chan looks younger he's proper grown up, I'm not so sure.. And last, she said that Hika-chan should try his best now, starting again. This is because they win a prize in the case of 5 consecutive victories, Hika was close, but his streak was broken by Dai-chan's victory)
Y: Now I have to start again..(to win)
I: It's hard, right?
πŸ“§ Y: (Reading) (This mail said something like her mum is a Dai-chan's fan, so the mum listened to the Quiz and also the seducing corner and had a lot of fun. And that she would like that more members come and play in the seducing corner)
I: Ah, I see.. We're happy that she listens to us with her mum, who's a Dai-chan's fan
Y: Right
πŸ“§ I: (reading) (Again, another mail saying Dai-chan, as a guest, was really fun and the atmosphere between the 3 was really nice and made her laugh.) I was listening to that Rajira! at the living with my mum, and when my dad came out of taking a bath, he really thought that Dai-chan's voice sounded as an elementary student. He asked 'Tonight's guest is an elementary student boy?' (And she said that Dai-chan was really energetic and she was really happy that he was the guest)
Y: Even his voice is like an elementary student, right?
I: Well, for people who don't know us, and just listens to our voices, it's hard for them to guess our age
Y: They can't know, right?
I: Right, and in Dai-chan's case, he does sound like a kid, right?

~ mail info ~

I: So, what's next now
Y: What's next .. (They said that they'll start reading emails coming from grandparents, for today's theme. Hika mentioned they have done this before for married woman ( here) and that today's a bit different from that, a bit higher (on age))
I: So, please everyone have fun with us. Until the end of Rajira Saturday
Y: Yoroshiku~
Both: Saturday's night is Rajira!

Both: πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄ A grandparents' panel πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄
(They started this section saying that an audience of different ages listens to Rajira! And Inoo said that since many of the younger audience sends emails they seem to be more, but they've asked the grandpas to send their emails on this occasion)

πŸ‘΅ I have an 113 y o great grandmother

πŸ“§ I: (reading) (This listener is using the pen-name from one of the proposals from last week's quiz, and she said she likes Inoo-chan so much it feels like dying, so Inoo-chans said something like 'You can not die ... to like someone like that..' lol, she's in middle school and she said that she has her great-grandmother alive and that she's turning 113 years old this year.)
I: 113 y.o.!
Y: That's amazing!
I: (reading) And she still is cheerful and eats without problems. And if she continues like this, I think she'll become the best super grandma worldly. From now on, do your best.
113 y.o., great grandmother
Y: it's amazing
I: I can't imagine
Y: how many times our age?
(And then it's really interesting what Inoo-chan said about the granny, basically that it would be amazing to listen to her memories from 100 years ago, since the ages were so different in so many aspects, so he asked the girl from the mail to ask and listen carefully to her granny, since their memories are more real from what's left from those times.)

πŸ‘΄ Grandpa was a Tokyo Olympic basketball referee

Y: My grandpa's pride is that he was a basketball referee at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
I: Eh! Nice.
Y: But I just knew it recently (She said that since this was the theme for tonight she asked her grandpa about what he was proud about his past, and then he brought a big thing and showed her a referee blazer in which his name was written, and a picture from the game, I think. Then she said she was surprised that she didn't know that her own grandpa had that memory and that she will ask him more from now on. So at the end, she's happy and grateful to the members and staff.) It's amazing!
I: Not knowing that..
Y: It's amazing that the grandpa didn't say a thing until he was asked
I: But for us, as grandchildren, grandpa and grandma do not have an image to talk a lot about themselves.
Y: Right, ne?
I: We would also like to know, so to the people who are listening, on this occasion, ask them and let us know their memories, old stories
Y: If we don't ask we won't know, ne?
I: I'm sure they (the stories) are pretty interesting, ne?

πŸ“§ I: (reading) (this is also about an Olympic story, about a grandma who did trampolining, or was a former player, and that she knew about her grandma doing Trampolining since she was little. She participated at the 2000 Olympic games, then Inoo-chan laughed because it was a recent Olympic game. And then he said that it was written there the grandma's name, so he asked if it was okay to say it on air. So, he reads her name, Akiko Furu. And said that this person is a grandma. Both of them were surprised.
She's rather young, though, 43, and even got the 6th place.. I left the link here )

πŸ“§ Y: (Hika-chan laughed because he said Konbanwahoi before reading the greeting from the mail, he's such a cutie πŸ˜„) (Okay, these two last letters were so difficult, and there's no transcription. I'll make a summary of what I was able to get. The listener said, that there's this big secret for her regarding the mother of her mother. And that's because even though she's been married for a long time with her grandpa, it seems that the grandpa was married before to another person. He divorced and married her grandma. So she tried asking the grandma but got nothing, so she said that she knows nothing about the business. And that even now when they are a mature couple, their youth remains mysterious)
I: How both of them meet? How did they fall in love and get married? And things like that.. ne? Surely it's embarrassing when someone asks you because of the drama
Y: I haven't listened much either.. about the romance
I: It would be nice to listen, right?

πŸ“§ I: Next one ( Her pen-name was 'Spring pollen is tough', that's why Hika-chan said 'I get it', it seems he's still suffering from allergy and in the Twitter their mentioned their nasal voice
This was a girl that said that her grandma has the name of another person besides her grandpa on her ring. They were surprised, Hika was like 'Huh?!'. She even has a letter and a necklace, and in that letter, it was written 'I love you, even after death' )
Y: How cool
I: (reading) This is a secret they keep from their grandpa. And the ones on the family that know about this are her, her older sister and the grandma.
Y: Eh! Amazing~ To write such a thing
I: It seems the grandma was in love with another person, it was so important that she still keeps that, she still has those things.. even afterlife, ne?
Y: Even afterlife
I: Those were nice words.

πŸ’Ώ The first thing she bought, a first generation Johnnies record

πŸ“§ Y: (reading ~ finally a granny) This is a grandma that enjoys every Saturday listening to you. The first thing I bought was a record from Johnnys 'Young Tears' since it has been 50 years since that, and to be able to even now listen to this new generation of Johnnys, JUMP, makes me happy...
It's amazing
I: How many years is she?
Y: Like 70
I: We should call her, after all
Y: Her phone number.. ah isn't included
I: Ah, it's not written, ah that's a pity
Y: It's amazing
I: Amazing, right? There's also a legacy from the first generation. It's surprising.
She bought the record, and that now, she listens to us, a younger generation..that's a wonderful feeling
Y: She started with 'Young Tears', and now with JUMP

πŸ‘΅πŸ‘§ My grandma and I, we're both Hikaru-kun's fans

(This mail and the phone call were super super cute, and she hardly even talked!)
πŸ“§ I: Next (reading) From Fukuoka prefecture, 'I'm really aiming for someone like Hikaru-kun' 13 y.o., Inoo-kun, Hikaru-kun, konbanwahoi. About my grandma, she always listens to Rajira! each week. When she heard at the end of last week's program that this week is about grandparents, from the other room she screamed, 'Haru-chan, that's great!'. While entering to her room I asked what was going on and she said 'Next week at Rajira! it's going to be a grandparent's panel' She seemed really happy about it. As she doesn't own a smartphone, so I'm leaving my number. I'm a Hikaru-kun fan since I'm little)
Y: That's great
I: (reading) My grandma is now 70 y.o., but since 5 years ago, when she was 65 she became a Hikaru-kun fan
Y: Aw..I'm happy~
I: (reading) 21 years ago, my grandma lost her husband and she was quite sad, but since she found out about Hikaru-kun, she seems to have more fun. I'm also a JUMP fan, we also talk about the tv shows as well.
Y: I'm so grateful. I'll do my best
I: So, this was about a 13 y.o.'s grandma, we would like to hear the grandma's voice. If we call her, will the grandma be there?
Y: She may be there too, ne? Maybe, let's call and see.
I: So, now, Hikaru-kun, say a few words for the grandma
(Inoo was trying to make the call, and it was so funny because, once again, Hika-chan was just staring it seems, so he asked Hikaru-kun please say something, speak!)
Y: I get it
I: It's okay if you don't look at when I'm dialling the number
I: Because while I'm dialling I can't talk
Y: I was just watching you~ About the one that bought the Johnnys' album, it was a pity that she didn't write the phone number ~ It feels like joining together different generations .. Aw, is it calling?
I: Ah it's calling, will she be listening?
Y: Hello! Konbanwahoi!
Listener: Hello
I: Konbanwahoi!
Y: It's Rajira! Saturday
I: Is this 'I'm really aiming for someone like Hikaru-kun'?
Listener: Yes
I: Really? Konbanwahoi!
Y: Konbanwahoi!
Listener: Konbanwahoi!
I: Were you listening just now?
Listener: Yes! (she seemed to be almost crying!)
I: If you were listening, you must of being surprised, ne? Are you crying? Sorry, we surprised you.
Y: we surprised you, ne?
I: Is your granny listening too? today?
Listener: Ah.. grandma.. is sick (influenza)
Y: Ah influenza! How bad! (about them calling)
I: We're sorry!
Y: Sorry about calling at this moment.
Listener: But she is listening
Y: Really?
I: I see. So, since she's listening, please, take care of your health. Now, Hikaru-kun, too, since she's listening.
Y: So, to the grandma, and you, thank you so much for your support~
Listener: yes
Y: From now on, I'm counting on you ~Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~ This Yaotome is
Listener: yes
I: Well, we surprised you, and you're crying. From now on, together with your grandma, please keep listening to us, ne?
Listener: yes. We'll keep on supporting Hikaru-kun all the time. (she's so cute)
Y: Thank you!
I: From time to time support Inoo too, ne!
Y: From time to time too
Listener: yes
Both: Thank you, bye-bye
Both: That make us happy
I: But, it's a bit sad that grandma was sick, take care of your health to get better soon, we hope soon you could listen to us feeling good again.

πŸ“§ Y: Yes. Next (reading) I'm a middle school girl who loves JUMP. I really hate arithmetic and I don't study it that much. And because of that, my maths teacher asked me to study more and my dad was mad at me. But when I told my grandma, she told me, 'you're not that bad(at maths) When your dad was in high-school his teacher was even angrier.' When I told that to my dad, his face change of colours and told me 'sorry'
Both: That's sweet
Y: So her dad was just like that when younger
I: In some way, we can get to communicate with grandpas and grandmas, so, we're happy about it. So, this was the first part of the Grandparents' association corner.
🎧 Y: Now, a requested song (this was a request addressing Over the top song as OTTP, in the way they did in the last Rajira! but Hika-chan said that it's not OTTP, but OTT, and that it was a cool song)
Then they read all the people who requested it.

OVER THE TOP β–Ίβ™ͺβ™«

I: so now we'll read some emails
Y: (First, he corrected himself about the OTTP, [actually there's a tweet about how, during the song both were drinking water and checking twitter, and since there, it was mentioned that Inoo-kun named this way the song..Hika needed to say this] Inoo-chan even asked him, 'We were the ones that decided on it, last week! Is it that you forgot already?' but he said, 'It's not like I forgot, is just that I didn't know that it'll catch up so fast!' lol he obviously forgot..)
I: We said last week that we'd go with OTTP

πŸ“§ Y: Right (reading) Last week I went to watch Inoo-kun's movie (Inoo-chan was really surprised since the release date is in May. So then, Hikaru corrected himself, so she saw the movie event) When I saw the figure of Inoo-kun as a girl I was surprised, but seeing that you looked prettier than a girl, I was jealous. Do you have any other episode to share aside from shaving your leg hair?
I: About the movie? We shot the movie quite a time ago, last year in April
Y: What's that about shaving your hair leg?
I: You don't know? (I'm also surprised, that thing was all over twitter lol)
Y: I don't
I: That was, because in the movie there's this scene when I'm dressed as a girl, wearing a girl uniform (Hika was laughing) and wearing a mini-skirt, but wearing a mini-skirt my hair leg would be seen. And I couldn't bear that. So, I shave it all.
Y: Seriously?
I: At that time
Y: I really didn't know
(Then he said that it ended up really smooth when he wore the uniform. Hika, said that now it's thin, did he looked at it? this question was actually a tweet. And then Inoo-chan said that like by now it has grown again, since it has passed almost a year.)
Y: that's amazing
I: Other episode.. there were a lot ..
Y: maybe something interesting for the audience
I: what could it be.. (he really seemed to have nothing lol, he ended saying that when he looked at him after a while, it was embarrassing)
It's embarrassing to see it again
Y: But, I thought, without watching the promo, I thought it was a cheesy character, isn't it?
I: Yeah, the character is like a cute and a flashy guy (Kairi is the only character I like in Peach Girl lol)
Y: I thought it was a character that would go saying 'I'll make you fall for me' (like pretty cool with girls he meant)
I: Well, not exactly like that. What surprised me, was that there was a scene when my character used and then dropped a spoon, and it's like all the girls wanted to have it.
I: At that scene I really laughed
Y: A world where that happened to Inoo-chan is really unbealiavable!
I: Oi, stop it.
I: That world is believable
(Hika kept repeating that that world was unbelievable, lol. Even though it's pretty believable by now)

πŸ‘¦ A mail from Daisuke-kun

πŸ“§ I: (reading) (this is a mail from Daisuke, I really haven't heard of him before, ha, but Inoo-chan asked if it's the same Daisuke, apparently they talked with him by phone before. He said that in his school, they celebrate becoming half an adult, for Japanese people, they celebrate becoming an adult at the age of 20. And those becoming 10 y.o. had a lot to thank for, at the ceremony, and mums cried a lot. Apparently, he has the same age as JUMP, which is about to have 10 years old too. He said that his dream is to become someone like Yamada-kun.)
Hika: Why not me?
I: (reading) 'Half a year ago, Inoo-kun and Yaotome-kun encouraged me' (He said that he also has been working hard in his dance, but his mum keeps telling him to study.) I wonder what kind of person will I become in another 10 years?
(Inoo-chan was laughing quite cute, because of the serious tone of the mail, even though the boy was so young.
Hika said that that sounded as in a graduation speech.) Daisuke has grown so much
I: But, even though the phone call was half a year ago, it seems like 2 years ago at least. (then he explains that it was short after starting Rajira! Hikaru didn't have another job. And he has just started. (I hope I didn't misunderstand the dates)
Waa that's nostalgic, even though I have not much idea about JUMP's past.
Then Hika said that he would like to listen to his voice again.)

πŸ“· I went to take the picture for job searching and it was difficult

πŸ“§ Y: (reading) (This was about a girl who was taken photos, and the experience with the photographer was difficult, and the pics weren't that good. So she asked them how they do, the picture shoots. They didn't mention much, lol )
Y: The photography for IDs usually looks bad. In the case of the photographer (for us) they are professionals, so they take pictures nicely.

πŸ“Ί My grandpa also listens to JUMP songs

πŸ“§ I: (reading) Recently, I listen to a lot of music shows, and at one occasion I was listening to Hey! Say! JUMP's Give me love. (And then she looked at her grandpa who was writing something, and it turned out it was the lyrics. When she looked she laughed, because her grandpa seemed to remember the lyrics. Hika said he was cute. And the girl said she was able to talk a lot about it ? not sure lol so she was happy.)
I: That the grandpa was able to like the same that his grandchildren, it's like he wants to have some communication. So, please sing to it, with your granddaughter. And Give me love, surely was writing with katakana. (lol they tried saying it many times, wondering if the grandpa used English or katakana)
Y: These were the mails

Seducing corner

"If there's no love, there's no use in this world!"
"We'll approach with love to every object"
'Tonight, "
"We'll seduce you"
The winner can choose one song, and if someone wins 5 times in a row, the winner gets to eat something delicious.

Konya anata wo kudokimasu β–Ίβ™ͺβ™«

Y: I was winning 3 times in a row, but then Dai-chan came last week..and he won
I: with 73% A total victory
Y: Now I have to start again..
I: Let's both of us start again

The cute object to seduce is..Sewing Machine (Mishin)
(They explained the reason for a sewing machine and it was because of the date. Japanese people do this with the days, if when saying the numbers of the day and month sound alike an object it's that object's day, something like that haha. And Inoo-chan said something like he wanted to be something like a raw fish dish (sashimi) because it also sounded alike lol, there are more than one way to read the numbers, it actually makes sense)
Y: I can't use my technique (he is referring to seduce using the syllables in the word, but since this word in Japanese ends in n (γ‚“) and no word starts with n that would be weird.
Then Inoo-chan asked which one should go first. And Hika said, as usual, 'Inoo-chan' lol, and the later complained that lately he has been always the first, but goes first anyway lol)

I: It has been a long time! The first time we met I was in 3rd grade of elementary school.
At that time, I could not escort you properly. Since that day, I think I've become a little more adult now.
I think that I can protect you now properly. What do you thing?
Starting today, you and me, I want us to be connected with that thread.
(~music of the end~)
Of course, the thread is red (as in the red thread of destiny)
(haha, they laughed at the end, because, the best part, about the red thread, it was after he finished. Hikaru-kun said he also thought about the red thread..
Then Hika tried to lift it? lol)

Y: It took me a while to handle you when I was little.
However, I think that I can handle you now that I'm an adult.
I think you're pretty helpful, you can stitch forward and also backwards, anything. Sewing, sewing, we'll become inseparable.
Mi ... You're not for everyone, you're mine
Shi ... Where is happiness?
N ... Mmmh, Would you like to find it by walking together from now on

(then they talked about how Hika chan used the mmm at the end. and how they were sort of even, and it was up to the listeners to decide now.)

πŸ“§ Y: (reading) (This mail was from a male teacher, Inoo-chan asked if it was a real teacher, because he introduced himself in the mail with the real name and profession.. then, he explains that he's a teacher at second year, and he's the tutor, so many girls among his students like Rajira!, so he's listening to it now. And then, he said that he enjoyed that they seemed like good friends (Inoo and Hika I guess).
Y: to listen to us because of the students.. (then they commented about this teacher using his real name and how his students have probably listened to it.

😍 I got the second button

πŸ“§ I: (reading) (The mail was about her graduation. March is the month of graduation in Japan. Then she mentioned that she obtained the second button, [this is the thing about boys giving the girl they like, their second button from the uniform] 'I was really happy'. Then both of them started questioning who started this thing about the second button.)
Y: Why not the first?
I: Yes, it's how you say, why not the first?
Y: It's a mystery.

The result: the winner Inoo-kun
70%: 30%
(It's been a while since Inoo-chan's last victory, 4 weeks, but I don't think there was that much of a difference between both of them, lol
Yaotome said it as well, that the red thread was really good, actually the only good part for me lol, and he used just in time..
Then he said which song he picked, but since it was 4 weeks ago.. He explained the reason, it was before Rajira, and he went to a location for filming and that day the sunset was really beautiful, and with the staff, they talked about how it looked like in the song[the one that he picked]. So, he thought it was a nice choice to play it in the radio.. so he wondered if the staff was listening to it now.. lol)

Southern All Stars - Yuuhi ni Wakare wo Tsugete ~ Merry-Go-Round β–Ίβ™ͺβ™«

Before starting with the second half of tonight's corner, they mentioned that there were a lot of answers to their question about the second button, and it's the usual answer saying that it's the one that's closest to the heart.
And from military times, one of the reasons was that if they give the first it would look as a sign of indiscipline. And they thanked all the audience for their responses.

πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄ A grandparents' panel
πŸ“§ I: (reading) ( My grandmother's hobby is patchwork. While I listen to Rajira! she's usually working in her tapestry. As I listen to the radio every Saturday, she asked me what radio it was, so after answering she showed her a picture of Hikaru-kun and Inoo-kun, saying 'these two are the ones doing the program'. Grandma said 'they look cool' So, recently, we listen to it together, and laugh together while listening.)
Y: We're happy for that.
I: Should we try calling them? Would both of them be listening?
Y: Let's try and see
I: I wonder with what kind of feelings grandma listens to us
Y: (Hika-chan tried to fill the time talking about the second button.. Not so good, Inoo tried two times making the call. Then they said that there was a long time since he saw a sewing machine. And finally they were in the phone call~)
I: Hello
Listener: konbanwahoi
Both: konbanwahoi
Y: It's Rajira Saturday
I: (checks the penname)
Y: Were you listening to the radio just now?
Listener: Yes
I: Is your granny with you?
Listener: I'm sorry, today she went to sleep early (haha)
Y: She's sleeping..
I: She went to bed, but usually she listens with you?
Listener: Yes
I: I see, I see. Well, what a pity. Well, it's expected for grannies to sleep early, right?
Listener: Today just by chance went early
I: And what do you usually talk about while listening to the radio?
Listener: the seducing corner..(she starts to cry)
Y: The seducing corner, what do you talk about it?
I: We surprised you, sorry to make you cry (he's so sweet)
What does she say about the seducing corner?
Listener: She's usually pretty embarrassed
Both: Yeah
Listener: During those moments she stays silent
Both: HAHAHA Sorry! To make her be silent
I: I see, so, next week, and please tell her about our phone call, ne?
Listener: Thank you
I: Please have fun listening with your grandma, okay?
Listener: Yes
Y: Thank you
I: Bye-bye
Listener: Thank you very much.
I: It just happened that the grandma was sleeping, we wanted to listen to her voice.. maybe it's a bad time for a panel for grandparents (lol maybe it is)

πŸ“§ Y: Yeah maybe (reading) I'm a 67 y.o. grandma, my granddaughter seems to like Inoo-san a lot, and when we listen to the radio together, I end up supporting Yaotome-san. How is that? ( I think later she mentioned something like her granddaughter supports him like he could do nothing wrong.. Then she said something like she uses a smartphone and goes to the gym to have good abdominal muscles, not as good as Yaotome-san but she exercises. Then she said that she is able to dance the chorus part of OTT. And that she still doesn't want to lose to her granddaughter)
It's amazing that she's able to dance to OTT at 67 y.o.
I: But also in this case..
Both: the phone number is not written..(lol)

πŸ“§ I: (reading) Since tonight the theme was about grandparents, this is the talk I had with my grandparents. Originally, my grandparents were teacher and student at high-school times. A few years after my grandma graduated, it seems that grandpa turned out to be introduced to her in a marriage date (or something like that) And as they thought of it as a fated meeting, they decided to marry without delay. And to think that because of this fated meeting I'm here now, it's a very wonderful feeling. My grandpa died ten years ago, but my grandma still treasures their memories a lot. (At the end she said that she'll be following the steps of his grandpa and that she feels a lot of gratitude for them so she'll try her best.)
Y: That's great
I: That gives a wonderful feeling, ne?

πŸ“§ Y: Yeah, so the next one..(reading) This is a 62 y.o. grandma with a 15 y.o. granddaughter. Inoo-san thank you for the grandparent's panel. (She said that even though she's living with her granddaughter she can't quite keep up with her talking nowadays, because of the different words I guess, but she still listens to her. Then, she mentioned a couple of words, from those that are shortened, even Inoo-chan said that he didn't get them, lol, he's such an old soul! Then they continued talking about those words and what could they mean, ha.)

πŸ‘΄ Yaotome-kun resembles my grandpa

πŸ“§ I: (reading)(the pen-name was 'Yaotome-san I'm sorry', he said about what? )(This was pretty funny, it's a JUMP's fan girl that said that when she showed to her grandma a video of them, the granny pointed at one and said 'ah this one looks like Matsuo-san'. That's my late grandpa, her husband, and the person she was pointing was Yaotome-san. And when I looked at a pic (of the grandpa) I was surprised of how much they resemble.
Y: I wanna see!
I: (reading) Since that moment, every time I'm watching something and Yaotome-san appears, my grandma goes 'Matsuo-san!'
I: (reading) it seems that it turn out this way. My grandpa died 15 years ago, so I don't know what kind of person he was, but I'm happy that she could find the person she was in love again (something like that)
Y: I'm also happy
I: This is a curious feeling, right? What do you think?
Y: It's the first time,
I: Matsuo-san
Y: yeah, that someone tells me that I look like the person she was in love.
I: So, because of that she ended up supporting you, looking at you
Y: Even though I thought I had a pretty characteristic face..
I: Matsuo-san! she probably screams that at the TV

πŸ“§ Y: So , next (the grandpa has about 80 y.o., but he's still very energetic, and the mail said something like nowadays there's lots of people of around that age, that are still very lively. Even her grandma said she found many lively elder people in Hawaii when she went there.
Then they read the answers for the word they couldn't figure out the meaning, apparently someone popular with girls, I really don't know since I couldn't manage to find any transcriptions..
the other one was being a liar, they said that they didn't know at all.)

πŸ“§ I: (reading) The other day when I went to visit my grandma, I forgot my damage (the ripped ones) jeans, so the following week when I went to take them, they were patched (sewed) I was surprised!
Y: This is really something that happens, right?
I: I was told a lot, during high-school about the damage jeans, my grandma used to tell me to buy new jeans, (even that she would give him so he could have new ones)
Both: damage jeans

And that's all for the panel

🎧 I: A requested song (the listener said that this was an adult song for JUMP and she really likes it, me too<3
Y read other people who requested the song.)

Vanilla Ice β–Ίβ™ͺβ™«


Next week there's no Rajira!
πŸ“§ I:( Reaction maiL: he read so fast! the thing is that she listened with her grandma, and once more Hika was silent during the dialling process, lol)
Y: Hello
I: Hello
L: Konbanwahoi
Both: Konbanwahoi
I:Were you listening to the radio tonight?
L: Yes
I: together with your grandma?
(I couldn't quite get it but it was a positive answer)
Both: Ah!
I: Could you pass the phone to her for a bit?
L: Ah, yes, please wait a sec
Both: Finally!
L: Granma! (She called on the back)
L: Yes..
I: We have 1 min left
L: It seems she's sleep
Y: Did your grandma just slept?
I: Is she sleep?
L: It seems
I: Were you listening to the radio with her, today, right?
Y: Maybe she's fallen asleep after the seducing corner?
L: Maybe
I: Okay, so please keep listening to Rajira with your grandma, okay?
L: Yes.
I: Send our greetings to your grandma
L: yes, I will
Both: Thank you byebye
L: thank you
(Since they didn't have much time left, they just read the pen-names of the letters they received)
I: No way..everyone was sleeping
Y: Sleeping
I: What's more, they fall asleep during listening to the radio
Around the seducing corner, since it's embarrassing they fall asleep

(And that was it! The last Twitter was)
We couldn't talk to any grandma after all.
Even so, Rajira! is popular among the older ladies β™ͺ)

<< Previous Rajira's (02.25)
Masterpost Next Rajira! (03.18) >>

Once again, this was so long, and I wrote the word grandma so much! lol But I really enjoy listening to them, they are cute.
On other news, there's new single for Arashi! finally! yes, today's is Friday, so I'm late
So, the song I'll be there will be the theme for this cute guy's dorama

Are this for me?

And I've found and awesome pic from this guy, again

I have this on my phone..😍

I love the following two and specially Inoo-chan's hair, this is from their last single

And there were a bunch of pics on JUMP's calendar (that doesn't start in January, for some reason that sort of bothers me.. lol) I may use them as well on the sidebar.. since I love calendars SO MUCH!

Hika looking good

And this is a pic from NEWS, they look good in black

And finally an also non-mine gif, from the best part of the song, I love how this part sounds, no wonder who's the one singing it..

And Inoo-chan reflecting my emotions after the movie lol

His voice was cracking and it was so sweet the part with the little girl..

A little curious data, after stylising, which usually takes me a LOT of time, each time I have more labels for Inoo-chan than Hika..lol

Cute Inoo-chan with cute cat, 'cause I like cats and Inoo-chan

inoo-chan, 2017, rajira, yaotome

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