Title: Watching. Characters: Mentions the main ones, but told from a random outsiders POV. Challenge: charmeddrabble's sentence challenge. MS-Word Count: 1'500. Author Note: Sort of future fic'ish -- it was an idea that came to me built on one sentence & I managed to include another one in the end as well. Sentences used are under the cut.
I'm crazy... crazy enough to sign up for NaNoWriMo! I'll be using this journal to post scraps of my novel(la)-in-progress and any notes relating to the story; if you'd like to be able to view them, just comment and I'll add you to the NaNo filter :)
Title: Message. Author: Kaelle - cieux. Fandom: Charmed. Characters: Piper, Prue. MsWord Count: 1000. Summary: The night Piper brings Chris home, Prue drops into her dreams for a visit. Author Note: Written for challenge #23 and for charmeddrabble's #19.
Title: Life isn’t Fair. Author: Kaelle - cieux. Fandom: V.I.P Characters: Tasha, Val. MsWord Count: 1000. Summary: Val doesn’t think that being targeted by hit men is a good enough reason to cancel a party. Author Note: For challenge #17, “I hate you, you know.”
Title: Different Perspectives (Rated: G) Author: Kaelle - cieux. Fandom: V.I.P Characters: Tasha, Val. MsWord Count: 1000. Summary: Val is a constant source of frustration to Tasha. Author Note: I doubt anyone would bother writing for this fandom but me, heh. I got vibes.
Title: Truly a Halliwell. Challenge: P3. Character(s): Paige, mentions Piper. Cast a Spell: Prue. Author Note: I wanted to write for all four sisters, but this one had to be forced.