Nov 29, 2006 00:41
Changing my LJ, phone #, AIM name, etc.
Essentially, should you desire to stay in contact, leave me a message with an email. Comments screened.
Life has to move on at some point and you have to learn to let go of the past.
Never forget the past; just learn and move on from it.
Nov 23, 2006 11:03
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you're all enjoying it with family.
<3 going out to Steph
Nov 17, 2006 17:34
So I heard James Blunt won "Best new artist".
Pardon me while I go beat my head bloody against a brick wall.
Oct 30, 2006 17:57
Any ambition that I had before is just... shot.
Oct 18, 2006 21:52
I grew a full beard in 1 and a half weeks.
I swear it seems like the older I get, the faster it comes in.