wtf27 bunnies

Jun 15, 2006 17:15

Originally: May 17th.

I'm wondering if the reason I never really get anywhere with my bunnies, because the writing style I like, is not the writing I do.
At best, I'd manage the predictable, paint-by-number soap-opera kinda stuff. Ah well.

Woah, whiny. :P To be more accurate, I really like the metaphorical, dreamy beautiful descriptive eloquent style of say, ezgal, whereupon, and a few others. Whereas, what I mostly come out with is - dialogue. Just dialogue, and sometimes blocking, like in a script. And I sometimes (I think it's) vaguely funny, if predictably cracky. It just wouldn't be that style even if it was miles better than it is now.

Anyway, was looking at the wtf27 challenge list and going, hey! At least 10 of those have been floating around my head anyway. Ah. The crack.

1) Genderswap. By some method, the character transforms into the gender opposite his or hers.
No story (yet), snippets as already done.

2) Transformation (animals). The character transforms into an animal. This is distinct from the Supernatural Creature category.
Got nuthin.

3) Transformation (inanimate). The character transforms into an inanimate object.
Got nuthin... no, wait. Dean would be a car. There'd be like, *two* impalas, and Sam would be trying to figure out which one to drive round, and it'd be really cheesy.
No, no plot.

4) Wings. The character either has, or gains during the course of the story, at least one wing.
Er. The fairy fic? Because - Fairies have wings? Naaah. :P
Ok. Then. Dean as a furie, or valkyrie or something. He dies but gets to continue the righteous vengence. Hmmm... kinda works. No plot though.

5) Tentacles! At some point in the story, there are...tentacles, lewd or otherwise. Take it from there.
Got nothin'.

6) Mpreg. A male character becomes pregnant by some agency--spores, egglaying, "this runs in the family", assbabies, omgwtf did the baby come from?
Oh, 'The Talk' (was reading something about why mpreg is so unrealistic - other than the damn obvious. Why? *shrugs* Er, was actually on acid, but was mostly wigging out on the bad crack most of the world appears to be on :P ).

Grumpy mood, Sam mentions something about cash and Dean pauses and says, Uh, about that...
We're kinda broke.
What about the safety reserve?
Well. Uh.
Sits Sam down and tells him they're gonna be a bit strapped for cash for awhile, as it were because, uh.
I'm uh...
*Dean pauses, clears his throat*
You're gonna be an Uncle.
*pause, pause, pause*
Sam's pissed and starts spazzing about Dean knocking some girl up, all weren't you wearing a condom etc? And Dean grits out, it *broke*, and Sam continues spazzing, and Dean's all Sam, *Sam!*
That's not all.
It's worse.
It's worse? How can it be worse?! Is she legal? *Please* tell me she's legal -
Shut up for a moment! It's not the law that's the problem, although it will be, well ok, so we'll have to fake the birth certificate...
Dean? What are you *talking* about?
Dean sighs, and buries his head in his hands before leaning back to stare at the ceiling.
Remember about 5 months back, that encounter with that sorceress?
Dean, I'm not gonna forget something like... wait.
What does that...
*Dean glares*.
You're kidding me right?
*Dean glares more*
I... ok, you're *not* kidding.
*Sam stares suspiciously at Dean's stomach*
No, you've definately *got* to be kidding. How is that even possible?
Dean raises eyebrow, Well, I don't know Sam, how was it even possible that I got turned into a *girl* in the first place?
But. You're a guy now?
*Dean's eyebrow goes down, in his *you're an idiot* expression*
Yes, yes I am. Wanna check?
*grabs crotch*
Sam makes a face, snarks: Well, I can see why you might be wanting to reassert your masculinity seeing as you're telling me you're... you're.
Gonna be a Dad.
Sam looks ill again. Yeah. *That*.
Um, so how would being a girl cause - oh. Uh. It broke?
Sam looks even more wide eyed.
So you uh...
Sam, I *know* we've already had the talk on the birds and the bees. *Dean glares*
Now, if I'd known about the effect of genderswaps on magical fucking pregnancies, I would have told you that too. As it is, I need you to fuckin' deal, alright Sam?

Look on the bright side.
There's a bright side?
Well, you're finally 'Uncle Sam' - that's kinda funny, right?

So you're... you're gonna keep it then?
I'm five months along. I don't have much choice.
*there's a silence*
Would you have?
*Dean looks down*
I'd thought about having kids one day, y'know? Tho' I'd kind of started to figure that maybe I'll just be an Uncle or something.
You mean, I...
I'd make a cool Uncle.
*sam snorts*
Yeah, you would.

But. If this'd been a girl I'd been with... I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to be a mom yet, y'know? I couldn't be there.
And I can't really say any different for me...
We're hunters Sam. It's too dangerous for a kid, for a newborn, *breathes* at the moment anyway. Once we've got the demon? Maybe.
I'm sorry Dean.
This kid ain't gonna have a mother. I can't be it's father... yet. And y'know, this is gonna be a bundle of fun, being some witch doctors guinea pig, and setting them up with a birth certificate, a family, all the rest of it.
But shit happens, we'll deal with it, we're Winchesters.

We've got too much to deal with without this on top of it, and uh, the medical side is gonna be a bit tricky.

So, they're coming up with cash to pay a witch-doctor (literally, a trained obs-gyn magical Doctor, which luckily is a fairly traditional profession for witches) and keep it all under the table, also trying to locate a willing adoptive/foster family (Open, I still want to visit) out of the people they've helped or worked with, because they have to know and be able to protect the kid from the dark things (What about the Johnsons? Poltergeist, Oregon, they seemed like nice couple, didn't they say something about wanting kids?), and trying to sort out a birth certificate (I'm legally dead, *and* there's no Mom. Who gets put as this kids parents? Ok, we fake the mother, and then say we don't know who she really was. Is it worth getting the mess in St Louis sorted out? I dunno. Do you want to be a dad, Sam? o_0! Hey, as long as they're a Winchester, right?

Are you gonna tell the father?
*I'm* the father. Are you crazy? He was just a bar hookup. I don't know his name.
We could trace him, maybe? *sam is talking crazy talk*
Yeah, right. And tell him what? He can't be the Dad, and *we* can't explain. It's nothing he signed up for, look, I know the kind of guy, and he'd rather not know...)

Dean has been sorting out most of this for the last few weeks, he told Sam because he was spending their money cache (that's how this scene starts), and they need more for the stuff he needs to do (doctor, fake documents, assisting whoever they leave the kid with).

Umm. Still no real plot here, just trying to come up with vaguely realistic reactions to a cracky situation.

7) High school AU. Regardless of their ages, races, powers, place in history, or planet of origin, all the characters attend high school together.

Only two main characters, soooo... within-history AU?
When Dean was 5, and Sammy 1, John Winchester died on a hunt, while under an assumed name (he was with Dean and Sam, but only fake ID on him).
Dean had been drilled not to talk to police etc, and unfortunately, one of the last things John had told Dean, was to tell people he was Dean Harwood, to match the name on the credit card. In shock, Dean refused to tell anyone anything other than his (fake) name.
Unable to find any records of John or Sam & Dean, and therefore no family or friends, the children were placed as wards of the state, and adopted out separately. Dean remembers quite a bit of this, and is somewhat damaged (in pretty much the same ways - wanting to be strong, so no one can be taken away from him again, a bit of a rebel, caring of people younger/weaker than him) as a result. He had nightmares for years about Sammy being taken away from him.
Sammy was adopted out, and given a new name.

Years later, Sammy (new name? Not Jason, not Max) is 14/15, Dean is 17/18?
Sam has been put up a couple of years in school, and hangs out with an older crowd. He and Dean play pool? There's a weird attraction (just a friend crush supposedly, but really GSA), and they start to hang out etc. They're pretty different. Sam's a drama geek, Dean's a bit of a bad boy, but nice about it. Has fake ID to buy alcohol.
* Dean telling some friends to go buy some alcohol with the fake ID, and they're like, no way! We'll get caught! Dean tells them that it's all about confidence, he'd prove it with Sam here. Sam's tall, but the youngest of the group, pretty baby faced. Dean swap's T's, spritzes his hair. Now he looks kinda gay, but like an adult gay guy trying to look twink. This does get mentioned, and Dean grins, and is like, it'll work, you'll see.
They walk in, and Sam being drama geek, is a surprisingly (well, not if you know Sam) good liar, and they just ad-lib off each other like they do on show, just this curious familiarity about their interactions.
* Someone makes a comment to Dean about his 'boyfriend' and Sam apologises. Dean's like, why are *you* apologising? And Sam's all - dude, I'm a drama geek, I'm *used* to it.
* Dean tells Sam about the brother he lost. And how he's kinda Sam's age. Sam doesn't know he's adopted, but said something about wouldn't it be weird if he was Dean's brother? And Dean says "I hope not...". And Sam glances at him quizically, and Dean's blushing, embarassed, trying to cover up "I mean, probably not. You'd uh... you'd make a cool brother though."
And really, they've got that UST GSA thing happening right the way through. And they're starting to suspect, (Sam can't find any early baby photos), but they kinda do and kinda *don't* want it to be true, because they're really, really, hot for each other.
Dean orders Sam round, and Sam continually argues with Dean, and they're totally each other's type, just like in the series.
And, I dunno. Some weird ass kink where they're actually wanting to be brothers, even when they start fucking, or they do even after realising, they just want to be as close as possible, as can be, don't want to be separated, want all the closeness they missed out on. Dean swearing to protect him this time.
Sam's female friend - uh. At some point she confronts him and is like, "Do you like, have a crush on him?" and well, he does, but he diverts her (and the reader) by saying "Actually, I think he's my brother..." ie, it's the first time Sam has actually voiced suspicion, and explains to friend adoption worries (doesn't look that close to family, no photos), but doesn't point out that he actually *does* of course - have a crush.

Aww geeze. See what I mean? style soap-operas. :(

8) Apocalypse Now. Or possibly then, or possibly not quite yet--either way, it's a story about the end of the world.
Got nuthin'.

9) Supernatural (creatures). The characters either transform into, or are centrally involved with, supernatural creatures (examples: ghosts, vampires, faeries).
Dude, the werewolf one.

10) Supernatural (powers). The characters either gain or are centrally involved with beings who have supernatural powers (examples: telepathy, three wishes, leaping tall buildings in a single bound.)
Huh. So many of these scenarios are just too canon or plausible within the SPN verse to be truly cracky.
The telepath-Sam snippet?
Or, Sam... having visions of hot sex with Dean? Until he can no longer resist? *snorts*

11) Fantasy AU (traditional). Sir Gryffin of Dor rode out to meet his secret love, Sally Zar. Think Mercedes Lackey (only better).
On horses, with crossbows. Yeah? *shrugs*

12) Fantasy AU (urban). So there was this place, see, where all the lost kids went. They called it Neverneverland, but it was really just another city unless you knew where to look. Think Emma Bull.
Uh. That's pretty much Supernatural as it *is*. That's hard...

13) Fuck or Die. For some reason, two (or more) characters are in a dangerous predicament from which the only escape is having sex.

14) Pornstars. At least one of the characters is involved in the pornography industry.
Uh. Some random city, running low on money, Dean takes Sam to a sex store (classier, girls sort - like Good Vibrations, Toys in Babeland, D-Vice etc), where he's the model for some of the items. It's actually pretty tasteful, and no headshots (either end!), just Dean's torso wearing some of the gear (leather), nipple clamps, stuff like that, a shot from the back, Dean's hands tied behind his back. Sam's a bit, 0.0! Dean doesn't care though, it's nothing Sam hasn't seen before (Visible in the shop front, anyway), which is why he didn't mind bringing him in here. Talks to some people he knows, there's a small production company working with the store who might be able to get him some work. Told from... Sam's perspective? And Dean isn't telling him what this'll involve (he does have his limits) - other than that Dean thinks it'll be fun of course.

Trying to decide how this'll work from there though. Gay porn stars get paid way more than straight (acting) male porn stars. But, I'm actually thinking more of one of the female run production companies, ie people who just really enjoy sex, not just pornstars, something like bend over boyfriend, maybe?
Uh. Doesn't really go anywhere though. Dean gets laid, they've got money for motels??

15) Hookers. At least one of the characters sells sex for money.
Dean picking up that guy in the bathroom. PWP.
And again, *should* be pure crack. Actually seems kinda plausible in SPN

16) You see, I woke up gay. One of the characters wakes up with an attraction to his or her own gender.
The Dean woke up gay one -
How does that end? Guy bought the potion from a witch, the have to catch her, take away her witch power somehow? There must be a way.
Uh. Tattoos?
And she agrees because... they impersonate Federal Marshalls, and tell her that breaking the law, is breaking the law, and that she's up for drugs related charges, assisted rape, etc etc, and she's all stunned that the government *does* know about that, but is like, how will you ever try me? And they're like, special trial. It'll be fair, and you'll do the time. Non-magical evidence will be planted (GHB etc) relative to your crimes. That, or the tattoos. (sounds reasonable, right? All bullshit and Sam's lawyer talk) So, she agrees to tattoos, and they deal with it.
That's a somewhat cracky solution. Huh.

Oh yeah, and how long til the 'gay' potion wears off? Oh, only about 48hours. Kinda. He'll be back to normal? Well. Maybe. Maybe?
It uh, unlocks a door. Once you find something attractive, it can be hard to find them unattractive agains. It depends. He'll definately like women again though. *sigh of relief*.
And... continuing sam/dean UST. I don't think it ever gets resolved, just comments that imply Sam was bi anyway.

17) Trading Places. This refers to 'swap' fic of any kind but genderswap. Switch around members of TV shows, actors with characters, band members with other band members, past people for future, evil for good, twin for twin, you name it.
It should be body swap... somehow. Just because I think that's hot. But there have been some really cool fics with them swapped in roles etc. And... I wouldn't be able to pull it off. Too much changes.
Well. Ok, if Dean left home (when sam was 12-14), then Sam would have been the one to suck it up and be the hunter. Sam left because Dean had allowed him to grow. But. Beyond me, I think.
PWP bodyswap? Better. Except, I have *no* plot. Yet. Ah well.

18) Forced Union. One of the characters is forced by circumstance to make some kind of commitment to another. (examples: marriage or civil union, a 'date' won through a contest, a fake relationship for publicity).
Got nuthin'.
Uh. To cops? Explaining a beating? Well, my boyfriend here... but then it goes no where. Except maybe cops are still suspicious and they go with it til they're out of hospital. Uh. I actually see this as crack, not porn. :P Ok, definately not worth it.

19) Timeshift. At least one of the characters is temporarily out of his or her "home" time due to some agency.
Young!Dean/Sam. No idea as to the agency, but Dean would totally seduce Sam. Or try to. And Sam still has a big brother hero worship thing somewhere in the core of his being, centered right around when *Sam* hit puberty and 14-15 yr old Dean was just so grown up, compared to him, and he had the bad thoughts about his (beautiful) older bro. Confronted with that same Dean, one who doesn't really look at Sam as his protectee (but rather just that 'tall glass of water'), what would happen?
Oh yeah, sex. That's right.

Second to last, here:

20) Aliens. Aliens appear, or are featured, in this story. Characters may also be aliens.
I love that this is a prompt. I want to see it in SPN. I got nuthin'.

21) Doppelganger. Either someone in the story has a double, or the doppelganger concept is central.
Dean/Dean. PWP?
Ok, I know what *I'd* do with a (non-evil, just me-like) doppleganger. Ahem.

22) Twins or Non-canon Siblings. Either a character who lacks a twin or sibling in canon has one in the story, or two characters are related who, in canon, are not. (example: an AU in which, based only on superficial resemblance, Orlando Bloom is the third Eppes brother.) Incest is not a requirement of this prompt.

Sam & Max were half brothers (so are Sam & Dean, obviously). Sam's visions are always centered around his family, whether he knows it or not.
They follow another vision to the West Coast (why West Coast? *shrugs* Just is), and save another guy who's mother died on the ceiling (ummm... background. Fairly normal childhood? His Dad went off the rails, but he was raised by Nana/Aunty/Family - uh, someone? Possibly his Mom's ex? He's been a Dad to me in every way that matters, with his half-brothers? Yes! This reinforces the whole, they're still family, they're still *brothers*).
Oh, and Dean's slept with him.
Just say, a bar hookup, but Dean stayed the night. Oooo. Maybe... When they're rushing to save him, Sam's knows the apartment, and that it's in the bathroom, and Dean recognises it as they get there, and knows the layout, which saves the day, but confuses Sam. Uh, possibly they fudge, and say - they hung out for a night, and guy gave Dean a couch to stay on. Blush, blush.
Sam'll figure it out, and *not* deal well with that, did I mention the empathy/telepathy that's appearing, which means he's picking up their reactions to each other (*lust* - Sam, takes deep breath. "I need you to not be in the same room together... with me. Possibly ever"), and everyone else's thoughts about Dean. Not to mention his brother just fucked his other brother, and Dean's only his half-brother, does this make him less family? Talk's with unnamed-guy, guy is like - No.
Kinda weird situation for Sam, and exactly the sort of thing to bring incesty feelings to the surface, like - if we weren't family, would he think Dean's hot?
Well. Of course. But who wouldn't, right?
Uh. Really really hot.
Ok, so he's *jealous*.

I laid some of this out in a comment, somewhere? (on my own journal, even?).
Ah -

23) Out of Time. This story is set in a time other than is canon for the fandom--choose future or past.
I'm amused by the idea of a brand new impala. Or... 50s. Two clean cut (ahem, ok, there's only so clean cut Dean gets) young men, travelling around the country side.
Yeah. No plot. No ideas. *shrugs*

24) Slaves. Someone in the story is a slave. Use your own definition within the basic concept--there are many kinds of slavery.
Emotional slavery freaks me the fuck out, way more. Physical is something you can fight. So. Some kind of evil!character story? Emotional blackmail?
Hmmm. Possibly the keeping Sammy for his own good manipulative!Dean, before Sam ever left for Stanford. Never left for Stanford. Would that count?

25) Media Crossover. There are many types of media. (Books, movies, and television are a few.) This fic has to be written with characters from at least two different mediums. (example: Dean Winchester/John Constantine.)
The Hellblazer crossover mulch -

26) Spies and Agents. At least one of your characters is a spy or a secret agent.
Got nuth... huh.
So,Sam's scholarship? Was actually as a CIA agent-in-training. Somewhat unsurprisingly, he passed all physical requirements etc, and he is quite good at languages. He's obviously pulled out of training to deal with this (Dad, Demon), but still - Dean's all, wtf?!? You didn't want to be a hunter, but you were ok with *this*?!?
Sam'd figured he could get a desk job, and yeah - it's not any worse, comparatively, it all makes *sense* (working for your country) and it's within the law (maybe?), and it was the only way he could find of getting his own life (scholarship, and living costs).
So, that's a situation. But... plot? I got nuthin'.

27) OMG we forgot ___. Writer's choice. Because there's always one more.

They forgot sex!pollen! o_0! Or at least, plain old aphrodesiacs. Huh. I guess these could all actually be gen crack challenges.
Ok, so... Fairy porn? Um. Or just fairies. Does that count as Urban fantasy?
Would manips count? I have this disturbed desire for a manip Sam as a nymph (boy-nymph, shuttup), and Dean as a satyr (yeah, what is my brain on?)

bunnies, spn

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