Ok so my dad came up here without any notice and is making himself a guest in my house. I feel upset. I guess me not wanting him here makes him a stalker and dangerous to me. I'm wondering if I should tell him that or not. I really don't see how that is any different than what I did with other people.
I've always liked the arts. It's ingrained into my family. Wackos with pens pencils and paintbrushes. Kris and Rei were telling the tatto artist we went to see that I was good. Well I don't know about that, but the guy told me he'd trade me with tatoo work for some new drawings and ideas. I like that. I'm think of trying to make some designs and
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Since I've been high for the past 2 days, a few strange thoughts have been running through my head. I've been thinking that Linda is just an intrensically better person than I am. I am not being sarcastic or anything when I say this. Something is wrong with me, and her being better than me is what made
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I don't know if my Effexor kicked in or what, but right now I feel really calm and content. It's sorta surprising. My dad come up today. He helped me clean my apt., and I'm getting a couch tomorrow thanks to him. He also blessed my house with grapeseed oil to scare away the evil spirits. Don't ask me, he said he saw it on some Christian tv
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Well I got some good advice last night. If I love someone enough, I'll respect their wishes and leave them alone. I've heard it before, but just dismissed it. Now I'm going to follow this advice. I'm going to try to stop lingering over dead issues
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call me crazy, call me stupid, call me foolish, call me a jerk, call me an asshole, call me immature, call me naive, call me messed up
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Oh la la comme je suis completement fou d'excase maintenant. J'ai fume du shit. Je me sens comme un anannas flottant dans un piscine. Put! Qu'y-a-t'il a faire? Le vrai amour ne meure jamais. Et c'est le cas avec moi. C'est pourquoi je deviens fou. Mon amour durera a jamais. Mon amour ne meure pas mais dure a jamais. Il y a du colere et d'
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