I think that everyone should know that today I smell of damp, because john thinks it's a good idea to wash clothes and then leave them festering in a binbag for a week.
- certain songs. - planning my tattoos (octopedes, bromeliad*, international power symbol, book burnings, ganesha loves you!, militia skull*. not in order
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Hello, yes. If I have to listen to that desperately insipid Blu Cantrell song ONE MORE GODFELCHING TIME, people, murder will be committed. Possibly with a stapler. Galaxy FM plays ten more uninterrupted tracks for your dirty dirty aural pleasure, does it? Great, kid, except that they're the SAME TEN FUCKING SONGS IN THE SAME FARTKNOCKING ORDER, you
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today i had an interview. unless the last candidate turn out to be bill gates, or somesuch, i'm in. two hours sleep, also. i'm brilliant, me. brilliant.
you may all have a crisp.
it's all coming together. (tomorrow i will probably be hit by a bus.)
also, this morning i was very nearly sick on the cats. yes?