Dvar Torah Inspired by the אור גדליהו - רב גדליה שור
- What can we do to become inspired by פסח?
- Why are the מצוות of פסח so important?
- What does "והגדת לבנך" mean?
- What does "זה א-לי ואנויהו" mean?
- Why are there so many מצוות that are "זכר ליציאת מצרים"? What about all the other נסים?
Comments 22
Avoda Zara - Idol Worship
Hashem - G-d
Korban - Sacrifice
Pessach - Passover
Masechet - Tractate (section of the oral bible)
Avraham - Abraham
Yaakov - Jacob
Rambam - Maimonedes - Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon
Ramban - Nachmonedes - Rabbi Nachman ben ____
Rashi - greatest commentator - Rabbi
Tehillim - psalms
Galut - exile
Geula - redemption (messianic times)
Mitzvot - commandments given by G-d
Midot - behaviours, characteristics
Shechina - divine spirit
Beit Hamikdash - Temple
Targum - commentator who translated into Aramaic
Karet - being cut off
Matzah - unleavened bread
Neshama - soul
Brit Mila - Circumcision
Tumah - Impurity
Tahara - Purity
Bnei Yisroel - the Jews (Children of Israel)
Maharal - Rabbi Moshe Isserlesh (?), from Prague
Dveykut - closeness to G-d
zechuyot - merits
Marror - bitter herbs
Nekudah - point
Chametz - bread...
Bavel - Babylonia
Hester Panim - Hidden [Face]
Ruach Hakodesh - divine spirit, a lower level of prophecy (sort of)
Gemara - oral bible
Have I missed
אור גדליהו - רב גדליה שור - Or Gedaliahu, Rav Gedalia Shor
מצוות of פסח - commandments of passover
"והגדת לבנך" - And you shall teach your sons (the story of passover)
זה א-לי ואנויהו" - This is my G-d and I will glorify Him
"זכר ליציאת מצרים" - In rememberance of leaving Egypt
נסים - miracles
פסח, מצה, מרור - passover, matzah, bitter herbs
פסח and ספירה - passover and sefira (49 days from passover until the next holiday of shavot)
Do you know that there's a dafyomi community? I just found it - it's really good!
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