Should you aim to be special, or comfortable? Should you fiercely tackle your goals, or just let things happen on their own? Is it possible that your instincts are too premature? Should you let time smooth out your apprehension? Does that work? Should you pray? Does THAT ever work
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Comments 4
i miss you dearly. i like these questions/statements. the funny thing is we can answer them all when we're like 97 or somehting. but i look forward to that point when i can laugh/admire the me now. i have some funny feeling that we will both admire the wes that we are now. id like to add my opinion (as always) hahaha anyway i always like to picture my life as totally determined for that end point (of course not knowing what that consists of) but also looking around to make sure i didnt miss anything fun. =)
Happy new year! oooh and guess what i might get a room switch hahah
answers to these questions are ultimately subjective, and so are the ways you choose to come to those conclusions. maybe it's all just an appropriate combination of these things that ends up to be painful and amazing, difficult and rewarding.
i don't know if i'm responding to this or not. but i think i might be. in my mind. taken a few steps beyond.
it's not black and white. there are as many answers as there are colors. when you figure out what color suits you best, embrace it. when you change your mind and prefer new colors, know that the old colors brought you to your new colors.
i think i'm being way too abstract right now. waaaay too abstract. if this doesn't make sense, i don't know if i'll be able to explain it when i'm actually awake. not just caffinated.
but i love you. and your highlighter.
good one, maggs.
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