Me, Cera, Hannah, &SamueL went to Miraz tonight.. &wouldn't ya know it, all these people showed up b/c we told them too. we just got it like that. bitches. ( &some )
So i woke up at 2 today. I hate waking up really late. It feels like the day is wasted away then. My mom got me a pop from McDonald's &it's flat but i'm still drinking it. ew
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Definitely went to the Drive-In last night w/ Cera &Hannah &met up w/ everyone that matters. It was a lot of fun -some lame point brought to you by a lameass who shall remain nameless. ( Read more... )
Last night Cera &Me went over to Brandon's house &watched Team America w/ Tim &Tyler. By far the GAYEST movie ever. We ended up leaving early to get Taco Hut. That was pretty good. Then we watched Will &Grace &played Monopoly. Fun night.
Paniiiiiiiiiiiic: can i wear a camo tank top w/ a big red star on it schwabis4lovers: red = geting seen k Paniiiiiiiiiiiic: haha schwabis4lovers: black is your friend Paniiiiiiiiiiiic: lmfao
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