Title: Perfect (4/7)
Series: Life and Death
Rating: G
Word Count: 384
Title: Perfect (4/7)
Series: Life and Death
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine
Rating: G
Word Count: 384
“The three bears found Goldie Locks sleeping in the bed and called the authorities who took her into custody and brought her to court where she was judged by a jury of her peers and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. She was deemed guilty of breaking and entering and sentenced to reimburse the bear family for their loss of goods and emotional trauma. Now it’s time for sleep.”
River tucked the threadbare blanket under her daughter’s chin and kissed her on the forehead.
“That’s not how the story goes,” the girl protested weakly, her eyelids already starting to droop. “Daddy tells it different.”
“How does Daddy tell it?” A smile appeared on her face with the thought of her big, strong, mercenary husband hunkered down by their daughter’s bed telling her stories about little blonde girls and bears.
“Daddy says that when the bears found Goldie Locks they held her for ransom and made a bundle of coin off her thievin’ hide.” She stretched out a yawn and looked up at her mother with tired brown eyes.
“I’m not sure that’s how the story ends,” River laughed. Hearing Jayne’s words in their daughter’s mouth made her think once again how much of her husband was in the little girl.
“Sure it is,” came the deep voice from the doorway. “Papa bear and Mama bear got all that money and used it to reinforce their security system so’s it wouldn’t happen again.” Jayne smirked as he crossed the room to sit on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around his wife.
“Must keep baby bear safe, after all,” River agreed, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling of her husband’s warm embrace. She thought, not for the first time, that Serenity was aptly named because nothing was as peaceful and perfect as sailing through the black with her little family. The sheer amount of love swelling in her heart was almost overwhelming as she sat, gazing down at her sleeping child and listening to Jayne’s heartbeat under her ear. No matter what was to come or what hardships lay ahead, she would always have this moment to return to, where she felt safe and warm and happy. Nothing could take that perfect memory of life and love away from her.
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Lifeblood | Next:
Lost and Found>