As alluded to in
this week's recipe post, we visited my parents from Thursday to Sunday of last weekend. This was our
second trip to my parents of the year, and it went pretty much like the last one did. When we had nice weather, we went for walks. When we didn't have nice weather, we stayed in the house and played with Birdie.
Since Birdie is noticeably more mobile than she was even 6 weeks prior, we had to do a little impromptu baby-proofing to protect the possessions my parents took into retirement with them. Fortunately, they have one room where it was easy to throw everything at child level on a card table. It even has a gate at the doorway courtesy of the prior owners, who apparently installed it to keep their tiny dog out of the one room with carpet on the public part of the first floor. Birdie spent a lot of time in this room wrestling Grandma and Grandpa, and looking out the windows, which are conveniently within her reach. Having carpet also helped keep some of her toys from rolling all over the room, which was a nice bonus.
On this trip Birdie had another
mobility milestone. Egged on by my mother, she successfully walked along one full side of a coffee table. Having done that, she soon repeated the feat on a longer coffee table and on a sofa. When we returned home, she demonstrated that she can do it
along the length of the baby jail as well.
She's not yet walking independently, but it's definitely close.