I wrote about
Boo at the Zoo. I wrote about
Blackout and parties in general. I collected
comments on both posts, and then I got more good comments, so here's another summary post on those two topics.
1. Boo at the Zoo
first commentary post garnered additional comment from Wayne.
Joe the younger also added some. Our new commenters are:
Audrey - who hung out at the house quite a bit. She and I worked together post-college for a while before she ended up in Michigan.
Dolan - my fabulous
pledge brother.
I had so much fun the year I got to do Boo at the Zoo! Someone brought fencing equipment and I spent quite a while swordfighting. It was a blast!
Boo at the Zoo...always good for a night of bad weather. When I was an active, the zoo got a new boat that Eric Rltvty almost single handedly converted to a respectable pirate ship. I remember spraying black paint while standing knee-deep in the zoo's lake, holding a big piece of cardboard underneath to limit spray into the water.
Or when Dolan upgraded the cannons to be propane powered, with hard-rubber flaps closing the combustion chamber and grill igniters.
Man those were some good times!
2. Blackout / Parties
On the
original post, Dutton added some belated commentary. Originally from Connecticut, he was in the Peace Corps for two years, worked with me briefly while finishing his Master's in Education, married one of our coworkers and lives locally and works as a teacher. When I asked if he could remember any of our party themes:
Late to the party (!) but we tried to do Whiteout at least once during the winter, just to capitalize on the name. I seem to remember Eric Rltvty and me using Kool Aid to write the party name in gigantic letters in the snow on the field by the library. IIRC we also had a party with no name ... or was it all of the names? E and I spent a lot of time in the Ballroom finding ways to avoid doing school.
first commentary post attracted party comments from both Audrey and Davis.
The parties were so much fun. I danced my feet off. I didn't drink beer but I could count on you to slip me a woodchuck from your personal stash!
I didn't remember drinking Woodchuck until Audrey mentioned it, but since I didn't drink beer until well after college I had to have something to drink at the public part of the party. With hard alcohol against the rules, Woodchuck was usually it.
I would totally drink another Woodchuck tho. THAT is a really beautiful taste-memory.
The Ohio Alpha Beta Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta
The House Tour
Main Floor Bedrooms,
Main Floor Public Rooms,
Basement Public Areas,
Basement Private Areas,
2nd Floor Big Bedrooms,
2nd Floor Small Bedrooms,
3rd Floor First Hallway,
3rd Floor Second Hallway,
Attic & Errata,
House Tour Commentary: Joe & Laura & Astrid,
House Tour Commentary: Jackal,
House Tour Commentary: Susan,
House Tour Commentary: Assorted The Pledge Program
Bid Night,
Curriculum & Black Books,
Big Brothers & Pledge Pins,
Initiation Semesters
Fall 1996,
Spring 1997,
Fall 1997 Events
Boo at the Zoo,
Chapter Meetings,
Serenading Other
Full Series,
My Rush Experience,
Chapter History,
Family Trees,
Greek Life at CWRU,
Fraternity Offices, Part 1,
Fraternity Offices, Part 2,
Fraternity Offices, Part 3,
Seniority Additional Commentary
Black Books,
Boo at the Zoo & Blackout, More Boo at the Zoo & Blackout