Someone needs to tell Mr. Trump that if we are to truly "make America great again" we need to return to the values set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. The first document is an indictment of dictatorship and the second is the foundation of a free and independent nation.
I posted the following panic notice*** a while back, then tried again clicking different places on my LJ page and lo and behold! I found my pictures
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Wishing you a most happy birthday, dear Tony! Somehow I got blocked from posting on your page in here, but did not want to miss greeting you on your special day. Peace, Jan (Daisytells)
I just read my Friends page to catch up with what people have been doing since I have been away to FaceBook. Some of you are also FB friends of mine, but some are not. I begin to see the sense of having LJ for journal entriesnd using FB for conversations and private messages.
I found out that I could sign out of those communities, but I would rather just sign in to my own LJ page and not have to see those disgusting other things. I know I have not posted a lot since the New Year, but I do like having this space to keep journal entries. I really wish that the new format does not open my page with the other stuff.