Teenage daughter came in last night while I was watching the ep 'The Heavy Weight'. She eyed up Hutch and Starsky on the screen and commented that, allowing for seventies clothes, she could see how the blond dude could be a sex symbol but not the other guy. "He looks like a gremlin, Mum
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I wanted some good quality caps of that scene from The Fix, but had to wait until I laid hands on an external DVD drive to replace the broken one in my laptop. I may have gone a little crazy, so under the cut is not at all friendly to dial up users.
I've finished my BB fic - 24,500 words of historical AU that probably needs a look over (thank you sc_fossil) but is at least done, is a story that can be read from A - Z as a whole story.
I've hit the 12,000 word mark on my Big Bang story. This is good, as writing has been a slow and painful process this year. I think I'm about seventy percent of the way there. Time will tell, and I hope that I can keep up this more accelerated pace, as I've other commitments on hand as well.
My elder daughter went shopping and came back with an olive green pleather jacket that was exceedingly reminiscent of the one that Hutch used to wear in the show. If I wasn't substantially larger than she is, there would be quite the tussle over that jacket. She is not a fan of S&H by the way, and looked quite appalled when I made comparisons.
Courtesy of hardboiledbaby I had a play with the icon challenge going around. This is the result of my very rudimentary skills. Simplicity is a necessity virtue.
I've been busy with RL stuff for a while, but I'd promised a story for the Secret Santa, and I did deliver. I also received - Santa wrote a bitter-sweet, hot little number just for me.
Thank you to all the people whose hard work makes this celebration possible.
I enjoy song vids, even though I wouldn't know how to actually put one together if my life depended upon it, and I like imagining favourite songs as vids
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