[Public Record]

May 11, 2008 19:10

A compilation of information for the refugees of Discedo.

Basic Information
Welcome to Discedo. You have been brought here by a group called the Scientists (the "Sneaky Group"). They have taken all sorts of people, from every world and time imaginable, to their city. We suspect that they have done so in order to rebuild and repopulate after an airborne virus killed all other native citizens.

As you may have noticed, a variety of beasts and monsters populate the city. We have several safe zones set up, including the apartments, Police Station, and high school. Safe zones are marked on the map below.

If you are to die here, the Scientists will bring you back. If you suspect you have aleady died in your own world...it may very well be true. They have many powers and abilities.

If you need assistance, a list of responsible persons and where to contact them follows.




Samus Aran's compilation. Has information on communicators and the Scientists.

General Iroh teaandlightning
Garcian Smith bloodyheartland
Sir Integra Hellsing mindovermanners
Harry Mason staticnotsound Runs Marshall Street Apartments.
Sora lookingsharp Runs Latimir Apartments.
Prydain not-riku-thx Runs Gohl House.

Nozomi Weaver awomanstouch
Derek Stiles totalbeginner
Simon Tam keepyou_safe
Hawkeye yankeedoodledr

Franziska von Karma darkvonkarma
Miles Edgeworth edgy-edgey

Clearing/Escorts (supply)
Sir Hellsing mindovermanners (Leader)
Barret corel-memory
Yazoo silent-silver
Akabane carnagescene
Zuko flames_wake
Ichigo panoplied
Haine 2headedcerberus
Kadaj adventlead
Jak herecometrouble
Killer a-naked-flame
Ness mrbaseballfan
Jackie E. theforceoncrack

Escorts (new arrivals)
Franziska von Karma (Leader) darkvonkarma
Barret corel-memory
Yazoo silent-silver
Urataros uratarosu
Ness mrbaseballfan
Nicholas D. Wolfwood church-man

Balthier clean_cuffs (Leader)
Mona Lisa onceahuman
Sonic the-blueblur
Ashelia dynast-daughter
Millie puddingluvr
Tyki thetease
Vash localdisaster
Ed and Al Elric priceoftruth and steelbloodseal
Bulma notpanties
VAVA mufufu

Nadie beautyforhire Hanguns
Iroh teaandlightning Weapons, Martial Arts
Samus Aran chozoraised Advanced Hand-To-Hand Combat

Iroh teaandlightning
Kadaj adventlead
Li skywarddream
Vash localdisaster
Vaan wayward-dream
Zuko flames_wake
Sheik sheikahsurvivor

Yorda sing_nonomori Runs the greenhouse.

If anything on here is outdated or incorrect, please contact me and I will edit it. I want this as updated as possible.

playing nice, court record, time for work

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