It is always worth keeping an ear out to what sort of pictures your friends want. Beckie linked to some pictures of dancers on her Facebook and when I saw that I waved my arms around a bit and sounded enthusiastic about getting some a bit like that. Of course, when I added in that I wanted to get her covered in flour there was a slight look of
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Revolt and Catharsis are Coventry based clubs, one being an feminist Riot Grrl night, the other a goth night. At the end of last month they combined forces for a bigger than usual night. There were bands.
Coming out of a Millenium long cryosleep, DeathSex Bloodbath had one of the longest gaps before a comeback tour. Luckilly, thought the wonders of technological development, they sent a time machine back to get me to photograph the gig.
The Dames of Darkness festival is the small UK festival which looks to be taking it’s cues from MFVF in Belgium. This is no bad thing at all and if anything I would have expected more people in attendance. Perhaps the heady location of Bilson was just to exotic for some
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Headcheck Records like their gigs in Nottingham. This is a good thing - I like their gigs in N'ham too and so I went with mrph up to The Old Angel last month.
We have had a small holly bush growing near the door since we moved in here. I've been meaning to move it around the back for a while, since it has grown to the extent that getting around it usually involves getting spiked. I started on it this morning and it seemed a little bit stubborn. Once I got a good view at the base it looks like there was
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Whitby Goth Weekend is a bit of a staple of my social life. I started going with venta not long after dinosaurs last walked the earth and I've probably been photographing bands for at least half the time.