(no subject)

Jan 29, 2006 19:58

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1) Which of your friends should glorindiel go out with? ummmm not sure
2) What animal should bluish_grey be combined with? umm sloth lol
3) Has smallz103 been to your house/dorm? yep
4) Do songoflaughter and stephinnyc go to the same school? they used to but not now
5) What rank would rhscheercutie63 have in a giant robot army? .......weird question
6) If heimdall04 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis?
7) last_kyker's eye color? brown?
8) stephinnyc's hair color? brownish blonde
9) Could you see heimdall04 and songoflaughter together? nope
10) If gotham25 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? everyone lol
11) What would you do if me_andmy_monkey died? cry
12) How tall is ahazelnuts? 5'9?
13) What word best describes glorindiel? don't kno
14) When did you last call lyds06? umm awhile ago
15) Would you set up claptonmaniac and lyds06? never
16) Is kbomb326 1337? ???
17) If iwearpinkchucks had a superpower, what would it be? fly
18) Is kbomb326 in a relationship? nope
19) Did lovely_song break up with you? lol never dated
20) What would you do if you found out sweetlikekiwi has a crush on you? be a lil weirded out
21) What comic book character would lovely_song be? don't kno
22) What song/movie would you recommend to bluish_grey? Chicago
23) One quality you find attractive in songoflaughter? her personality
24) What mental disorder does sweetlikekiwi remind you of? lol he this was my question that u had
25) Where did you first meet gotham25?
26) Does sweetlikekiwi travel a lot? nooo
27) If lyds06 were hanging off a cliff, what would heimdall04 do? prolly save her
28) If smallz103 and lovely_song were spliced together, what would it be like? good lookin chick?
29) Is greatsparky related to iwearpinkchucks? no
30) What is stizeph's favorite food? don't kno
31) Would you ever date iwearpinkchucks? ummm prolly not just friends
32) What animal does bluish_grey remind you of? don't kno
33) Do you think kbomb326 is hot? oh yah wut a babe lol
34) Where was stizeph born? iowa?
35) How long have you known rachnrollczar? a long time cuz of baseball
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