I've got the poweeeeeeeerrrrr, YEAH! Ljapp is a pretty decent iPod Touch / iPhone livejournal client, although it only does posting at the moment, from what I can tell.
This vid has been making the internet rounds over the past month, so my apologies to those who have seen it already. This, my friends, is truly the apex of musical achievement if I ever saw it.
Reported by the NY Times, linked to by SlashdotI never knew that CS had such parity in terms of sex back in the 80s. Although it sort of makes sense: if there is a perception that "field x = well-paying job", then more people will enter. After the dot-com bust the public perception has been that a computer science / software engineering degree
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So I picked up "Twilight of the Thunder God" (the new Amon Amarth album) last night, which officially kicks off the fall CD season for me. This one looks to be especially busy, with new releases coming out from a number of bands I like, including
I've known about Amon Amarth for a few years now, but they haven't really clicked with me until earlier this evening, when I watched this video:
Amon Amarth "Twilight Of The Thunder God" I think we have a new leader in the "most metal video ever made" rankings. Their new album "Twilight of the Thunder God" is released tomorrow, looks like a day-1
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