{Big Bang - J2} Dreaming in Cordite - Cyberpunk AU - 12

Jun 24, 2009 01:06

Title: Dreaming in Cordite
Author Name: deannawol
Artist Name: sandrainthesun

Genre: RPS AU
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Sam Ferris, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Christian Kane, Various Others.

Rating: 18 Overall - Sexual situations, graphic violence in places and adult language
Warnings: Slash (M/M) relationship, oral sex, violence, off-screen death of a non J2 character.
Word Count: ~51,000


The move from the jeep to the room was an exercise in military precision. Josh covered them, gun in the pocket of his coat. Jared carried Megan cradled in his arms; Jensen carrying the bags and letting Miss Ferris lean heavily on his shoulder. He was tracking the bustle of the city, listening for anything out of place. They made it into the room without incident. Jared made straight for the nearest bed, setting Megan down carefully. Miss Ferris sat down heavily on the side of the bed, pale under her makeup. Jensen watched her for a moment, noting her pallor and heavy breathing, before he was moving again, grabbing Josh and pulling him from the room.

"You gotta go grab Doc and bring him back there now. Megan's not waking up and I don't like the way Miss Ferris is looking." Jensen pulled a credchip from his pocket. "That should be enough to get him interested, but if he gives you trouble, feel free to remind him of that time we ripped him outta the burning car."

"And offer to shove him back in there, free of charge?" Josh smiled coldly.

"Only if ya gotta," Jensen replied.

Josh dusted himself off and Jensen craned his neck to look past him. The hotel was dingy by anyone's standards but it was solid and enough out of the way that no one would happen across them by chance. The only give away was the Padalecki-Corp logo along the sides of the jeep.

"You're gonna have to trash the jeep, Josh," Jensen remarked.

Josh nodded, "Yeah, I reckoned. I'll hunk it and pick something else up."

"Try not to get your ass spotted or killed, yeah?" Jensen clapped him on the shoulder. "Just make sure it's big enough that Doc can bring his full trauma kit."

Josh threw Jensen a salute as the jeep screeched out of the parking lot. Jensen turned back to the hotel room. Miss Ferris had moved from the side of the bed to the other one, with Jared hovering worriedly between them.

"Winchester, please tell me Maverick has hauled ass to the doc?" Jared looked up, eyes wet. "Turns out someone," he looked pointedly at Miss Ferris, "didn't wanna speak up while we were running, case we got ourselves distracted with her possible internal bleeding and concussion."

Jensen hemmed and hawed for a second, “Seeing as we’re gonna be spending a bit of time holed up here, how ‘bout we drop the street names? Make it easier on everyone?”

Jared shrugged, “Sure.”

“M’name’s Jensen. Maverick is my brother, Josh.”

“Jensen?” Miss Ferris asked, “Unusual round these parts but a good name.”

“Thank you kindly, ma’am,” Jensen smiled and perched on the side of Miss Ferris's bed, "Now, Miss Ferris, I know that you're about as tough as old boots, but just remember that even old boots get thrown out when they get really big holes in them. And none of us want that, now do we? Ya gotta learn to sing out when you're hurt otherwise there ain't anything we can do, y'all understand that, don't you now?"

"Now don't you go lecturing me about how to act, boy," Miss Ferris threw back, "I've been about before you were a spark in your Daddy's eye."

"Yeah, and I've been pinned down with more blood in my gut than there was in my veins, so don't think I don't know what I'm talking about," Jensen turned it back on her again, "And believe me when I say that being septic ain't as much fun as it sounds."

"Well, now I gotta admit that don't sound like much fun at all," Sam grimaced, hand hovering over her gut.

"Then, let's make sure that doesn't happen." Jensen hunkered down beside her but paused when she stiffened. He followed her gaze back over his shoulder.

Jared was watching him from beside Megan, brow furrowed.

Jensen looked and met Jared's gaze with a calm smile, "Now that we got settled, maybe we can get somewhere. Jay, can you wander over to the window and keep an eye out for Josh or any one else that's starting to look too interested in us? I'm gonna check Miss Ferris over and I need you to cover the windows, you got me?"

"I got you." Jared looked at Miss Ferris then moved to the window and peered through the grayed nets out into the parking lot.

"Right, Miss Ferris, let's see what you've gone and done to yourself," Jensen gently pushed up the checked shirt and hissed soundlessly at the sight.

"Didn't do nothing. Was your damned fool brother," Miss Ferris bitched as Jensen's fingers poked and prodded at her blackening belly.

His lips drew into a purse as she grimaced and twitched. Jensen couldn't bring himself to look up at her as he felt the firmness under her skin. There was blood pooling, and nothing he could do about it here. His fingers twitched to call Josh, tell him to get his goddamn butt in gear, but it would do no good. Josh already knew how much they needed Doc to come, and short of kidnapping him, there wasn't much else they could do. Jensen's hands moved gently over the skin, until Miss Ferris caught them. She nodded as he met his eyes. Jensen blew out a breath.

"Is she okay?" Jared asked from behind him.

Jensen took a moment to pull down her shirt again before answering, "Yeah, just a little shook up. She'll be right as rain in no time, just you wait and see."

Jared huffed out a relieved breath and Miss Ferris squeezed his fingers gratefully. Jensen closed his eyes and prayed the Doc got here before she made a liar of him.

Master Fic Post | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | Epilogue | Master Art Post | Soundtrack

challenge: big bang, spn, fic, spn big bang, cyberpunk

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