Before you go to the YFC lives...

Jun 19, 2010 14:51

EDIT 4 (too many edits, sorry!! XD;;;): I've made this post particularly for the fans who have never attended an all-standing live before or not in a long time, because I've seen some people wondering what to wear and such to the YFC lives. People who know what it's like in a mosh pit won't find this post particularly insightful, but it'll be great if you can maybe add more advice to people who are attending them for the first time. ^_~
EDIT 5 (and HOPEFULLY the last): It seems this post scared some fans who'll be attending the upcoming lives, but please don't be!!  (That would make this post soooo counterproductive... ^^;;;) These are simply some advices I wish I'd gotten before I experienced a mosh pit for the first time (wearing sandals of all things... =___=) because the knowledge would've improved my enjoyment greatly.  If you're not sure about it, just stay toward the back, and you'll be JUST FINE. ^_~

I was going to make this post when the European tour was a bit closer, but I have this sudden urge (XD) to do it now, so here goes...

I've been reading the comments posted in mixi by the Japanese fans who attended YFC lives,
and..... people,


Especially if you're planning on going toward the front.
Here are some of the advice given out by various fans on what to keep in mind before going to the YFC lives.

If you're going to wear short skirts, you should at least wear leggings, or your undies will definitely be visible to people around you.
But you will sweat like crazy and even get dirty during the live, so the best outfit for attending a YFC live is a T-shirt, pants, sneakers, and a towel around your neck (Have you seen the outfits on the guys at the guys-only YFC live?)
If you don't have a hotel booked near the venue, you definitely should bring a change of clothes, at least a T-shirt, so you can get dry quickly after the live.

If you have long hair, the best hair style for the live is a braid, which is the least harmful to the people around you. A ponytail can be a whip and could really hurt others, and a bun on top of the head limits the views of the people behind you. Any hair accessories could get lost or hurt the people near you, so it's best not to wear any.
No matter how pretty you make your hair look before the live, it'll be ruined soon enough anyway, so best to keep it simple.
Should take off your hat, etc. during the live.

(As you already know, the official site forbids the use of high heels, platform shoes, and lifts (raised heels).)
High heels are definitely NO-NO since they're very dangerous to the people around you, more so than to yourself (as you can imagine). 
While they make it less likely for your own feet to get stepped on by others, platform shoes and lifts actually make it difficult for you to realize it when you are stepping on other people. Because they tend to be heavy, they can hurt them that much more.
Recommended shoes are those with no heels, flexible soles, and that cover up to the ankles (for protection).

4. ACCESSORIES (bracelets, glasses, etc.)
Any spiky accessories could possibly hurt other people without your even realizing it.
Dangling-type pierced earrings could potentially tear your ear lobes off as you can imagine, so best to void those. This has happened occasionally in these standing lives, if not necessarily at GACKT/YFC's (but probably).
Any metals or stones can hurt other people badly, especially if they hit them in the face.
Even ribbons studded with sequins, which are hard, have been known to cut the skin in these close-proximity lives.

If you're planning on bringing in your purse or bag into the live and setting it down at your feet, you should reconsider it. Your purse/bag is bound to get stepped on and destroyed badly, quite possibly with all the content kicked around and disappearing in the end. This is also quite dangerous since this could cause an avalanche of audience, which will promptly halt the live itself.
So, it's best to keep them safely stowed in a locker before the live starts.
If you need something to carry a few items (ticket, money, cell phone, etc.) in, a small waist bag (pouch) is recommended, but the rest of the things should go in a locker.

You should definitely keep yourself hydrated. Like I already said, you will sweat like you've never sweat in your life (apparently). Drink water before you go in, and make sure you bring in your own water with you, too. You'll be VERY VERY thirsty. Apparently, the Dears staff attached a neck strap for each water bottle for the audience at the ZEPP live (I believe everyone was charged extra $5 or so for 'a drink' at the YFC lives in Japan) so that their hands will be free. Don't know about the European tour, though.
EDIT 3: Apparently you're not allowed to bring your water into the venue, so if they sell it at the venue, you should get one there. ^^

Imagine you're on a very crowded train that has exceeded its weight limit by 200%, and these people are so wildly excited and moving in the same direction (toward GACKT, of course) at the same time, the whole time.  This is what an "all standing live" is like.
If you're not very confident about your stamina or strength, especially if you're under the weather that day, you may want to enjoy it from the back. There have been many people passing out in the front.
These are small venues, so you can still see the stage well from the back. ^^
At the front where people are just pushing each other around the whole time, it's more like "feeling the live" than "watching the live".  9_9
Also, if you plan to go to the front, keep in mind that you'll be straining your neck looking up at the stage the whole time if you're at the first few rows, and GACKT will actually be making more eye contact, etc. with people several rows from the very front (if you know what I mean), and you're more likely to be sprayed with Holy Water (from his water bottle ^^).

EDIT 2: I'll keep adding advice from the others below: ^^
- Wear a sturdy bra (e.g. sports bra)  ---  unofficialdear 
- Great advice from her personal experience! --- gizorz
- Another helpful and hilarious accounts --- exit_halo  
- A note on 'throwing objects' toward the stage --- camui_love
- Eat before you go to keep your energy level up --- fuxxtothefuture  (note: But don't eat too much so you won't puke! @_@)
- Start getting hydrated early --- elwenaduialloth 
- If you are going with your friends & earplugs --- prushrush 
- Standing --- sammet

Hmmmm, this about sums up all the advice I've seen given over at mixi.
I'm assuming that the European YFC lives will be very similar to the Japanese ones, but please keep in mind that these are just some precautions I thought may help you, the fans who will be attending the European lives, and I'm in NO WAY telling you what to do!!  X3
I just want everybody to be safe and have the very best time they can at their YFC lives.

If you've attended these all-standing lives before and can add more advice, feel free~.

EDIT: To the MODs, it's too long, so I've added an LJ cut. ^_~
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