The scent is heavenly! Garden is a bit "between seasons scruffy" but the basic structure is good so we can get away with it till the daddofils die back.
Yes, I can imagine the scent. I have a lilac right by the gate and these past few weeks have been wonderfully scented as we left or arrived back at the house. I love that dark coloured lilac you have but can't get it in Spain, just the classic lilac-lilacs. :) We are in France right now and in the village here the lilacs are splendid and it's perfume heaven.
Believe it or not it was snowing here a fortnight ago and we're still getting the odd ground frost, the daffodils are only just over, the tulips are still blooming, strange weather this year
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Forget me nots and lilacs ... just about my favourite flowers after roses. You have a splendid display of colour, Deb, and beautiful gardens.
We are in France right now and in the village here the lilacs are splendid and it's perfume heaven.
Pretty flowers! I have a geranium like that - they are great ground cover aren't they?
And I adore ground cover! That Geranium and the Comfrey and Periwinkles save me no end of weeding:)
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