Being around Kelsey is like being around a woman who comes with her own troubleshooting guide. Its nice to have someone translate some of these odd things about women that I've never fully realized before.
Welp, its nearly official. The bank gave me my loan for the house. And in my name no less, not my father's. Thank you credit score...
But that means I pretty much have a house now!! I just need to go down to the bank to sign the closing paper's, sign my life away, and its mine! Woo hoo!!! Sooooo excited!!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!!!! Met with the bank who owns the house I'm looking at today. They approved me for a builder's loan to finish the house and I should know by the end of the week if I'm approved for a home loan
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I think I'm finally at that turning point. I'm starting to learn to channel my depression into anger. I'd rather be angry than depressed all the time. And overall I'm starting to just be happier as a person.