One of my current roommates is seriously unpleasant. Like, barely talks to me at all. She will sit in silence and not acknowledge my presence.
Riley would call her a COOZ.
Thankfully she is moving out on Tuesday, so we should plan celebratory drinks on my awesome panoramic roof deck that night :)
But meanwhile,
melanina and I challenge you to write
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Comments 20
I know because I bought them
You thieving whore bag
Cleaning the bathroom
would be simple with a maid
I am not the help
drinking my whiskey
mine was Makers Mark, and yours?
yours is Jack Daniels.
I love good music
I may rip my own face off
because you just don't
Rent is due the first
I didn't make that shit up
it just always is
you can be real cool
but if you use my razor
I'll beat you senseless
love it. thank you!
schizophrenic girl
threw away my favorite shoes
i ended your lease.
That does not imply you are
On the lease as well.
you move to I don't care where
I keep the view. WIN!
you are moving out
i will celebrate with drinks
mean? Maybe. Tough luck!
but rent is cheap and I'm broke
now what is that smell?
found you on craigslist
what's the worst that could happen?
oh god, the horror.
So your rent check bounced
Yet offering me some coke
doesn't pay the bills
tell me, why is it
whenever your friends stop by
something goes missing?
moved in months ago
still don't know where the broom's kept
you are pathetic
the only explanation
for your behavior
oh look! It's that time
for me to kick your loser
boyfriend out again
did you have to
go lose your virginity
on my bed? really?
came home to find blood
all over the bathroom wall.
I hate when you drink.
The acid come down
is bad enough on it's own.
don't offer me crack.
you know it's bad
when you feel you have to move
and you been there first.
in here we use hot water
and soap for dishes.
Your coat and scarf strewn
in the living room like red
autumn leaves bug me.
Swarms of honey bees
or gnats would be more fun than
your old college friends.
I heard a bird squawk
except, no, no, it was you
and your loud lover.
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