I've been mentally adding things to my List List for quite some time now. This list was started on September 21st, 2009 at the age of 25, nearly 26
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"Your friends who you say betrayed you also paid your bills, tried to get you jobs that you turned down and then, yes, petitioned you when they felt you started endangering you life.
I'm sorry you can't see how hard these folks love you."
When I do need help for real I have no fucking friends at all. Ultimate betrayal. I will live through this just to spite those of you who thought you knew me better than I do. You started it, you're a part of it. I will finish it and be the bigger man because that's how I was brought up. Jerks.
I love you like that one trick candle that burns down the party/like the smoke alarm you took the battery out of/like the fire station, looming/I love you like shouldn’t, couldn’t, and can’t/I love you because I know you wont/The party was too small for all those people anyway.