(no subject)

May 12, 2006 17:58

I'm obviously done with finals, and inspired by the recent creation of the Good Omens Geek Code (and here is the original Geek Code), have decided to create a DF Geek Code!

Number of puppets that you currently have.

Simple! P# (# being the number of puppets, obviously!)
(Add a "~" afterwards if it constantly fluctuates.)

Example: P14~

Number of months as a member.

Again, it's simple. M#

Example: M14

Puppets that tend to take over your brain.

Use "B-" in front of the entire thing, and just use initials and/or the first letter of their first name. Up to three "+"s after the letter if they take it over in a good way, "-"s if it's in a bad way, and "?" if you really can't tell (or if it's both good and bad). And ^ after everything if you sometimes want to kill them for it.

Example: B-LM?^AJC+LL+++

Favorite puppet pairing(s).

Again, name abbreviations; we can all guess, anyways. ;) Also, use up to three "+"s to denote how much you like the pairing, and put parentheses around the entire pairing.

Example: (A/C)+++

LJ and/or Chat RPing .

LJ - LJ# (# being the number of times you check the community each day; refreshing doesn't count)
Chat - C# (# being the average number of hours you spend in IRC chat each day; add an "o" if it's mostly in OOC chat and an "i" if it's mostly in IC chat)
(Add a "~" afterwards if it constantly fluctuates.)

Example: LJ6C8o

How active you are.

A--- : WTF is DF? What am doing on this comm?
A-- : Oh, hey, this comm still exists! I keep forgetting about it.
A- : I'm around. A bit lurky, but around.
A : I'm around and I post once in awhile with my puppets, hang around in chat a few times a week, maybe a bit more if I have a bit of spare -- you know, the usual with an RP.
A+ : I'm around pretty much every day! I have a set of puppets that fairly consistently comment, and I participate in a few OOC things, too.
A++ : I'm around whenever I'm free (and if I'm not free, I make time for DF--), RP way too much for my own good, and am a bit too obsessed with this community for my own good, perhaps.
A+++ : *clings* I'd die of consumption without you, DF! -- In other words, I'm around constantly, thinking about DF if I'm not near a computer, I try to keep all of my puppets active, start new plots once in awhile, spend all my free time in chat -- and create silly things like this when I really should be doing something else. (>__> Don't look at me!)

m afterwards if you're a mod!
(Add a "~" afterwards if it constantly fluctuates.)

Example: A+++m

Spin-off comms.

[[df_spawn, desperatescreen, desperategamers, desperaterips, desperateocs, desp_mascots, desperateworld, desp_chemistry, df_animanga, desperateeats]]

S#, of course. # being the number that you've joined -- you don't currently have to be active in them, however.

Example: S5

Number of members you've met in person.

Again -- RL#

Example: RL1

And finally, miscellaneous things:

f- If you've ever written fanfiction for DF
i# - # being how many DF-related icons you're currently using
d- if you've ever had a dream about DF
c- if you've ever answered to a character's name/dressed up as one of your characters/identified with a character of yours
♥ (&*hearts*; without the asterisks) - if you met your current significant other through DF
m - if you've ever made a meme just for DF
x - if you think X is fascist
df - (and up to three "+"s for how much you want a DFCon)

Here's mine, just for example (and very tentatively):

P14~ M14 B-LM?^AJC+LL+++ (A/C)+++ LJ6C8o A+++m S5 RL1 fi1dcmxdf+++

Strange, yet pretty. Like DF. :D

Now you can go put the code into your userinfo and link it back to this post so other people can decipher it and/or make their own code..! ♥
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