I'm in the process of moving my entire website, the White Wolf Website included, and making some changes - the main changes as far as Dief is concerned is that all the fics now have the same CSS style. And, of course, the new URL
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This was the first drabble I ever wrote, in any fandom. It's a conversation between Fraser and Diefenbaker, so it should fit this community. I hope you like it. Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski, although you can read it as Fraser/Vecchio if you prefer. Arguing with Wolves by 2_4_Joy
ximeria came over, and we had fun doing little writing exercises. Here is a drabble I wrote about Diefenbaker, I figured it fit this community ^_^ Hope you like it.
For those of you who haven't already seen it through crack_van, etcetera_cat has a lovely Dief story called Learn to Speak Canine in Seven Easy Steps. Basically, it's a slash story that has Dief figuring out what Fraser needs to do with RayK, and telling him so. Very funny, and like the crack_van reccer, I like the turtle scenes best.