-My continuing unemployment -How long it took to cook chicken last night -The discontinuation of Vanilla Coke -The fact that my brother hogged all the moustache genes:
That sounded much more dramatic than I intended. Ever have one of those days where you realize besides a couple of social events you have no plans for the future. It's very daunting, but when I'm older I'll hark back longingly to this feeling. Man, I'm glad I waited so long to to go to university because I can't imagine what I would do if I
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Finally everyone is moved in and things are beginning to feel more stable. Having ones own settled room is very grounding. Because of promises made to subletters I am spending the summer in Mike G’s room, which I must say is pretty sweet with an adjacent bathroom and roof access. Needless to say, I having been getting quite a
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Boy is it hot in here! Bay windows aren't so picturesque at 8 am in the morning with no curtains and the sun making your exposed feet a few degrees warmer then your head. Hokey-Dina! Looks as though summers here and here I am, without a bike
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PS> Mike G, you’re probably Amish too, cousin Sean seems to think so. PPS> Which would mean Dudenshire is half Amish, therefore we should rename it “New Intercourse”
Having just handed in a paltry final assignment for professional writing I am now done exactly half my classes. With only 2 exams in the next two and a half weeks I have spare time again, hot dog! My first move is moving into the house, where I will be pretty much living solo and probably without internet. I plan on getting started on some
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