Apr 12, 2010 21:45

Alright, alright... [Lets not get squirted again.]

Out of curiosity. Say you tossed something overboard... or even fell off the ship, something like that. Would you actually be able to swim in that water, or disappear somewhere, or... hell, who knows. Enough weird shit happens on this boat.

[Not to say he's been thinking about trying to leave. ( Read more... )

drinking every night ain't cutting it, still not feeling social, tired of that awful noise, not even hypothetical enough

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Comments 42

[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 02:02:55 UTC
[Herz is using text in the hope that, maybe, it won't be such a kick in the gut to Keats if he lends a helping hand.]

theres cold mediscen in the bazaar; deck 8. gt the night time stuff and that'll help you sleep. nyquil tastes nasty but its powerful


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:07:47 UTC
[He's surprised to see this, that's for sure. And borderline worried at the way it 'sounds.']

You can't sleep either?


[text] meinxxherz April 13 2010, 02:12:53 UTC
[...holy crap.

He actually responded.

Does he...not know Herz's id code? Wouldn't surprise him, but...

The thought that Keats may actually be getting over what happened last month fills Herz with excitement. God knows he's missed him, as a friend if nothing else.]

having truoble yeah, but that stuff and playing music helps.


[text] diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:18:21 UTC
... is anything else wrong? I heard a couple people got killed over...whatever this is.

[He's not sure he's over it. Not sure at all, but he's at least willing to talk again.]

You tried vodka? Helped me for a few nights, then I got tired of that kinda hangover every morning.


conquistasal April 13 2010, 02:22:09 UTC
[Sal isn't sure how he feels about responding to this, but the guy has a right to have his question answered, right?]

Someone told me once about... a guy jumpin' off. 'Fore I got here. Din' even know 'im. But so far as I know, he jus'... died. Came back, same as anyone would.


diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:25:53 UTC
... [He starts to ask a question, then reconsiders. Lets phrase it another way.]

So as far as you know, the water itself did that? That's just what happens if you try... huh...

Can't say I'm exactly surprised. Half the time I wonder if this place is even what it appears to be.


conquistasal April 13 2010, 02:38:12 UTC
I can't say fer sure. Coulda been th'water, coulda been s'a long fall, could'a been he... drowned.

Anyway, I wouldn't suggest it.


diverged_fate April 13 2010, 02:40:23 UTC
Coulda been a lot of things. Doesn't sound like it's worth the risk of testing it out.

Thanks for letting me know.


ttlynotawizard April 13 2010, 03:30:27 UTC
If you jump off the ship you die and come back like a normal death. Don't know about dropping items.

And unfortunately for you, all I have is alcohol. Drink enough of it though...


diverged_fate April 13 2010, 03:36:52 UTC
... Items. Hopefully they don't just come back somewhere on the ship.

[That just made him think of something, actually.] Huh...

Did you just use 'unfortunately' and 'alcohol' in one sentence? I've been going at the vodka all week. It works great... it's just been a straight week of hangovers.


ttlynotawizard April 13 2010, 04:55:14 UTC
Vodka? Keats, you can do better than vodka.


diverged_fate April 13 2010, 04:57:42 UTC
It's not bad when you're feeling lazy. I'm not exactly a bartender over here...


tachikhromatic April 14 2010, 01:29:54 UTC
According to my intelligence reports, that's actually not water at all! Underneath the surface, it's apparently deadly to the touch! Of course, it isn't as if I would test it by throwing a person overboard.

I once threw some hats! An interesting phenomenon: the hats, instead of momentarily floating until they soaked, sank immediately. This is a further confirmation. Would you be interesting in observing further?


diverged_fate April 14 2010, 02:56:48 UTC
Not water at all... If that ain't water, and this isn't a ship... makes me wonder what we're actually in the middle of.

You know what... [He laughs to himself, quietly.] Yeah, I would be interested. You were planning to throw something else in?


tachikhromatic April 14 2010, 03:17:54 UTC
We should start with things we already know will float well, and go from there. Maybe some kind of inflated ball?


diverged_fate April 15 2010, 19:01:11 UTC
Maybe... a whole crate of them. That way, we can look around the ship and see if any of those showed up back on it.

Tennis balls, maybe?


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