Pairing: Liam/Zayn
Word Count: this chapter, 1617
Rating: NC17 as there will be future smut
Based on this prompt The following morning Liam wakes up to the sound of Harry retching in the bathroom across the hall and what sounds like Louis comforting him.
He turns around and gasps cursing himself for forgetting who was lying beside him. Zayn managed to move closer to Liam during the night and his face lies inches from his own. In sleep Zayn looks completely calm and Liam can’t help but marvel at the sight of him. His moment is ruined when he hears a loud groan coming from the end of the bed.
“Jesus” Niall sits up and covers his eyes with his hands.
“Rough hangover?”
“Nah, I didn’t even drink that much, I just hate mornings”
Liam laughs thinking about the amount Niall had drunk and marvels at his strength.
“Aww look at the happy couple” Niall croaks when he peeks in between his fingers.
Liam snorts but his heart races anyway at the thought of him and Zayn as a couple. Sleeping next to each other. He shakes his head at himself as he feels his stomach coil with heat and kicks out at Niall who laughs loudly.
Zayn stirs in his sleep and unwillingly opens his eyes. He spots Niall grinning at him and glares at him, Niall jumping out of the bed before Zayn an injure him.
‘Is Harry vomiting?’ Zayn asks when he notices the empty sleeping bags on the floor beside the bed. Liam laughs and nods his head and Zayn emits a laugh himself.
Zayn’s mother walks in and Liam feels suddenly embarrassed as she quickly glances around the room. He rolls out of the bed quickly, certain that she will be angry at Liam for sleeping in Zayn’s bed. Everyone looks at him in confusion when he rolls out and falls onto the floor.
“Are you OK Liam?” she asks and smiles fondly when he stands up, stutters and nods his head, trying to brush himself down.
“Breakfast is ready” she tells them and flattens herself against the door when Niall thunders out of the room and down the stairs. She rolls her eyes but smiles and follows him out the door.
Liam hears Harry groan as the smell of the breakfast fry floats its way up the stairs and into the bathroom.
Liam wonders whether he should wait for Zayn or not and that question is answered when Zayn gets out of bed. He is wearing only his underwear and Liam tries his best not to gape when he takes in Zayn’s full body. He is not at muscly as Liam but his arms are muscly enough and his thighs and his back and Liam really wants to die.
Zayn puts a t-shirt on and Liam adjusts himself before he can turn around and notice Liam’s creepiness.
Zayn smiles warmly at him and gestures for Liam to lead the way. Liam makes his way down the stairs and walks into the kitchen. Niall is sitting at the dining table kitchen shoving as much food into his mouth as he can, looking delighted with himself.
Zayn dishes up some food and hands a plate to Liam who tries to stay calm when Zayn’s /long, distracting/ fingers brush his own.
Harry and Louis finally make an appearance, Harry looking quite pale but smiling broadly at them all regardless. He plonks down at the dining table beside Liam and Louis on his other side.
“So what did you lovebirds get up to last night in Zayn’s massive bed?” Harry shouts, his hands reaching out for the few bits of food left and Liam prays to anyone who can hear that Zayn cannot lip-read Harry. He turns the same colour as the tomato on Louis plate when he spots Zayn kicking Harry violently under the table.
“That’s disgusting, I was on the bed” Niall sputters through a mouthful of rashers and Zayn turns on him furiously. He lets them all know that he and Liam went to sleep and that was it and also to shut the fuck up.
Louis is smirking at Liam knowingly and Liam honestly cannot wait to get home, hopefully without talking to Louis but unfortunately he finds himself cornered by the older boy as he brushes his teeth in the bathroom.
He raises his eyebrows at Liam in the mirror from his stance against the doorway and Liam takes a long time to wash out his mouth. He stands and turns to face Louis, uncomfortable under his smirk.
“You like him” Louis states and Liam fidgets with the hem of his shirt as he shakes his head.
“Who? I have no idea what you are on about!”
“Don’t lie. You are the most obvious person I have ever come across” Louis snorts.
“I am not” Liam replies indignantly.
“Please. If Zayn even laughs at something you say you nearly poke my eye out with your boner”
Liam chokes on his own spit and Louis waits patiently until he catches his breath again.
“Listen, Zayn is not one to just invite random guys to his house, especially for his birthday, especially to meet us for God’s sake”
“What are you trying to say?” Liam asks, his stomach fluttering uncomfortably.
“Zayn likes you mate and you better do something about it because he sure as shit won’t” Louis walks out the door then, leaving Liam in a terrified and confused silence.
Liam’s train is at three o clock and Harry and Louis have already left, leaving him, Niall and Zayn sitting in Zayn’s living room watching some ridiculous documentary on television.
Niall seems engrossed in the programme which Liam is frankly disturbed by when he realises it is based on the breeding of moths. Zayn looks bored but is unwilling to move from the couch, comfily resting his head on Liam’s shoulder. Something which makes Liam tense up and want to curl up in a ball or punch himself in the face, he doesn’t care which.
He keeps glancing at the clock and Zayn sits up with a slight frown on his face.
‘Are you anxious to leave?’ he asks Liam and it is Liam’s turn to frown.
‘Not at all’
‘You keep looking at the clock’
Liam blushes. Had Zayn been looking at him the whole time? Was Louis right?
‘I just don’t want to miss my train’
Zayn looks satisfied with the answer but stands up from the couch, reaching for Liam’s hand.
‘I’ll drive you to the station now, so you loosen up a bit’ he smiles so as not to appear to be making fun of Liam.
Liam spares a glance towards Niall who is staring avidly at the TV screen. “Gross” he whispers and Liam refuses to look at the television and Zayn shrugs, Niall will be fine on his own for a while. Liam takes Zayn’s hand and allows him to pull up. Liam struggles to not stare at the veins on Zayn’s forearm and runs back up to Zayn’s room to grab his bag and soon the two of them are once again side by side in Zayn’s car.
‘Did you have a good time?’ Zayn looks sheepish as they sit in the car park, Zayn resting against the door to look at Liam.
Liam nods his head, smiling genuinely and Zayn smiles wide, one where Liam can see his teeth and one that makes Liam draw in a shuddery breath.
They sit in silence for a while, Liam looking out the window but feeling Zayn’s eyes on him the whole time. At quarter to three, Liam is almost ready to leave when he feels Zayn kicking him gently with his foot. Liam looks at him and Zayn is smiling slightly but he looks nervous and for some reason this sends a jolt of nerves through Liam himself.
‘I’m really glad you had a good time’ Zayn signs but Liam has a feeling that this is not what he wanted to catch Liam’s attention for.
Liam does not know what came over him, does not even think straight but he finds himself reaching over and placing his hand on Zayn’s chin, cupping it gently. He leans in and before he presses their lips together his eyes meet Zayn’s. They are wide and scared but dark and excited so Liam closes the gap between them and captures Zayn’s lips with his own.
Zayn returns the kiss with more passion than Liam and soon Liam has Zayn pressed against the door of the car, their lips and tongues connecting wildly and Liam can hear Zayn’s small gasps every time they part for air. Zayn’s hands are roaming Liam’s back and the moment they cup his ass is the moment he decides that the train can go fuck itself.
He is practically lying on top of Zayn, their legs intertwined awkwardly with Zayn’s position in the car seat . Zayn finally breaks away and laughs shyly not letting go of his strong grip on Liam’s hips. He glances at the dashboard and Liam looks over and groans half-heartedly when he realises his train left fifteen minutes ago.
He sits back into the passenger’s seat and Zayn sits up, adjusting his jeans with a slight blush colouring his cheeks.
‘I guess you can get the evening train… or stay another night’
Liam looks Zayn over and his hair is a mess and his cheeks are pink and his teeth are pressed down on his bottom lip.
‘I think I’ll stay’
He does not blush this time and he looks Zayn straight in the eye and licks his lips, causing Zayn to start the engine and drive home at a speed that is definitely over the limit.
part four l