Name: I go by Phillipp Lothigen, or Lotti, or Gen, Iggy, etc. But I was born Ashley Nichole.
I'm not explaining the alias.
Age: 1.43 dog years. I hate dogs.
Height: Ehh, a short 5' 4" but I carry myself as if I were much taller and wear heels to compensate.
Personality: Eh, I can’t go by what I know, so here’s copypasta from a longgg quiz that I agree with fully:
secretive, reclusive, messy, disorganized, introverted, unassertive, rarely worries, dislikes large parties, does not like to fit in, does not need to control others, solitary, ambivalent about chaos, tough, leisurely, does not respect authority, not aggressive, observer, abstract, impractical, dislikes leadership, daydreamer, bizarre, detached, does not make friends easily, not a perfectionist, suspicious, rarely irritated, strong physical instincts, unsympathetic at times, risk taker, submissive, weird, sarcastic, strange
Also I have no doubts that I am insane in some fashion, and I'm frequently described simply as "Awkward."
Strengths: Eh, I can coerce people into doing things for me pretty well, I’m one smart delicious cookie, I’m quite dedicated to whatever I’m doing, I can BAKE which is fantastic since who doesn’t love triple-layer german fudge cake with extra love, I can draw...?, I’m very meticulous about everything to the point of being a perfectionist, and it seems as if I’m not afraid/ intimidated by anything.
Weaknesses: ...cute things. Icing and chocolate (but not chocolate icing). Set due dates. Foreshortening. Shopping. Bodies of water (which I will always end up wading through for fun). Security cameras (I have this compulsion to speak to them), colorful objects, and painted toenails.
Bad Habits:I procrastinate and yet I’m a perfectionist at the same time, I automatically assume I’m in charge of things when in a group, I dress funny, I eat the last cookie, I have a superiority complex going on oh yes; I’m arrogant as fuck and I don’t really feel the need to change it. I break the fourth wall, indulge freely in non sequiturs, I tend to cause awkward moments due to being terrifically clueless and or blunt and open, I chew on things when I crave things I shouldn’t be eating/ don’t have access to, I don’t like to talk much to anyone, and I am a compulsive liar mostly because I find it amusing. But I assure you I’ve refrained from that here :).
Likes: Colorful things, explosives, cute smiles, kittens, other people, sweet colorful things (I had a bad habit of eating Tums when I was younger because of that), new shiny tech things (iTouchhhh), roses, orange soda (Its ORANGE and ODDLY SWEET askdjas; love), indie music, little kids (Who say lovely cute things like, Carol! Let’s go look at the snails!) these sort of questions, blank CDs, sleeping, molecular biology, history tests, bookssss, dystopic future books, the french revolution, and bread.
Dislikes: Random-is-funny type of people, who go hand in hand with ‘adhering to this brand/music/fashion/outlook/sexuality makes me hxc and special’ type, people who think they can take matters into their own hands because that’s just a major god complex there and I can’t stand that, hedonism, dogs, onions, and math.
Hobbies: Baking, taking things apart to see how they work and then buying more to make a superbig version of it, melting things down, taking pictures, giving people things they like, reading really long books, doing logic puzzles, questioning gender roles, confusing people’s perception of me, and I dabble in papercraft :D.
Talents: Eh, see the above. I also pretend I can draw and I’m charmingly intimidating (: Yes, those are talents.
Interests: Literature, psychology, biology, the arts, the French Revolution, the eighteenth century in general, making delicious cake, basic teenage interests, and the medical field.
Favourite character: H’n, I’d say Mello. Strikes me as the sort of person I admire. And I can’t resist a total cute nutcase :D
Least favourite character: Light.
Ugh, I see him as being self-righteous and deluded, childish, blase, irritating....
Would you use the Death Note?: I wouldn’t see a need to all at once. I’m not the judge of a person’s right to live, but I think my boredom would eventually get the better of me.
Who would you use it on, and why?: If anyone.....this is difficult. Maybe some terminally ill people because they seem terribly uncomfortable. A few television producers for making these cute kids so histrionic. People who ask me to kill them. On my own I wouldn’t go out of my way to kill them, I don’t honestly make to my business to care.
Do you support Kira?: Not at all. Its unnecessary for a person to take lives because they think the people don’t deserve to live or are in their way. The world doesn’t belong to one person; society works as a community and through a system. If the system seems unjust, a one-man revolution isn’t changing things.
Anything else you'd like to add?: I like the song “Miss American Pie” quite a bit.
My sexuality and er, gender is mocked endlessly. It amuses me to no end.
I like Forever 21. Its colorful and warm.
I’m a synesthete- a sound-color one to be exact. Sounds are characterized by color in my head, and I also visualize time as a 3D object on an diagonal northeast-facing plane, and classical music as 3D ‘threads’ of sorts. Its an odd kind of condition and probably why I’m so introverted.
And sorry for making this so detailed and long, I couldn’t help it D:
Pictures!: I’d really rather not, but whatever.
Er, I didn’t expect my bff Angie to take a picture of me then~ I was early - o-;
On the far right with the fall-happy strap and accidental Mello hair :D
My five votes!:
I’d normally format these nicely but its late and I’m rather tired. Can’t be bothered >: .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. @__@ I come off as oddly chatty in my comments, hmm.