So like fuckin WOW I'm feeling so fuckin GOOD!I mean seriously, im fuckin floating, well okay not floating but I just feel numb and it feels feels fuckin,....great actually!Better then the usual annoying pain in your heart you know?HA..oh god lol, I havent felt this fuckin great in for fuckin ever.Oh damn!Im commin down!Ha, I said to hell
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Comments 35
and THANKS for telling everyone. theyre not supposed to know!
and you're gonna SHARE me? what am i? a fucking sex doll? that was a fucked up thing to say. the only reason taylor aint getting any from me is because he doesnt WANT it. thats his own problem.
Tellin them what babe?Haha that we had fun?Doin what?Playin twister. PSH it aint no thang but a chicken wing lol...just WHAT are you talking about lil miss Avery?Lol.Wooooo.
Share you?I said I was gonna share you?Lol WHA?Im confused now lol.No your not a sex doll not at all, any woman being a sex doll is fucked lol.NOOO haha I didnt mean YOU I was talking about my fuckin um pixi stix powder?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah...that.Lol.But yeah.Chill sis, chill and be chill haha.
fuck zac......wat the fuck do u think ur doing? ur nutz..... fuck dude i do NOT need you like this... and either do kate and nat and AVERY
Wat the fuck did u and avery do? TELL ME FUCKING NOW!!!!
Im just having some fun Taybear...duh.*Laughs goofily and in a daze* dude, what happened to you?You use to be a partier urself like xcore and shit dude....whereeee's the love?Come on man, I need a partner in crime dude, i miss the old days haha.Like WHAT man?Im just fuckin happy and shit and actually chill and shit instead of being all mr.mad pants and all uptight and stuff have to admit..he was NO fun.nope haha.
Me and Avery?We just..I dont know we just had fun and stuff ya know?Dude come on man haha u aint stupid lol nice try.
Wat did u do with avery.... i wanna know... i wanna know everythin....... dude.. this isn't good..... it's not you.
I dont kiss and tell man.Sorry *holds finger to his lip while stumbling around* shhhhh.
Omigosh.... i can't take this *starts crying* not zac, no this isn't happening
Awe hunny dont you cry tonight,not when we should be happy.Be happy babe, be happy!Im happy so why not you sweet little darlin?Your smile is to die for.It cant just go into hibronation.Now THAT would be sad.
Im just takin some pixi dust.WEEEEE I can fly!Woooo. Im here and I aint going nowhere, dont you guys just worry okay?I've never been better.Relaxxxx calm urselfs.
Kateybelle im herrrrrrrrrre ur zaccy is hereeee.
*sniffles* i hate seeing you like this
Why not?Why can't I?Shit was going downhill and it was going fast I mean...I lost yet ANOTHER child after pretty much just losing Maddie, my bro is all down and shit he thinks he's gonna lose his baby girl who sits in the hospital as we speak,your in the fuckin hospital with holes in ur stomach and havent even seen our baby girl,Natalie cheated on me and I cheated on her...woo fuckin hoo...nah no good it wont do,shit man that right there is enough to get ANYONE depressed ha.See now you see why I just used just a little wont do any harm.
Nah dont cry babe, just dont cry dry your pretty little eyes.
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