Title: Green Heart
Pairing: Jaejoong/Junsu
Summary: Junsu needs to control all four elements to graduate as a mage, but the finals are coming up and he still hasn't found his fire. The popular student and fire specialist he's secretly had a crush on for almost a year suddenly approaches him.
Final Lesson )
Comments 20
Then I just read this gem and it reminded me why I like your stories so much.
Seriously it’s only 3 parts here but it’s amazing how I got caught by the story since the beginning.
The idea of elements is not exactly new but you give it a flavour I never found anywhere else. You really create your own world and your own characters and they feel so real, I love this!
Both Junsu and Jaejoong were so adorable… Ah~ I can resist them. I also loved the parallele you mad between power and emotino/sensation. It makes it more powerful somehow ^^
I’m reaaaaaally glad I found this! And I hope you’ll make an epilogue a bonus or whatsoever. You can’t stop here, can you? They still have a bet on-going! Lol
Thank you for writing this <3
I going on the Jaechun one I missed now ^^
junsu finally came into his fire and it wasn't the fear or loneliness or anger (it usually stems from anger) that was the root of it but his love for jaejoong. :)
junsu's also discovered a lot more about his abilities~ plus he can heal too! it's a special ability, one that would definitely merit him as a mage. :)
i'm glad that jaejoong had tried to protect junsu and that junsu had told jaejoong that he can take care of himself as well. :)
Both Jaejoong and Junsu are cute and they're sweet together.
This story caught me since the first sentence and it was with sadness i've read the last word :')
Thank you for this beautiful story ♥
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