Title: Five Times Jim Moriarty Kissed John Watson (And One Time John Kissed Back)
_doodleFandom: Sherlock (BBC 2010) FPS
Pairing: John Watson/Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes / John Watson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,600
alizarin_nycWarnings: Non-consensual kissing, spoilers for Scandal in Belgravia.
Summary: Five times Jim Moriarty kissed John
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Comments 44
John is such a brilliant BAMF in the end, though I do wanted Jim and John together, this ending suits the fic very well~
Do hope that you'll be writing more Jim/John fics in the future! =)
Thank you! As I said, I do like John being a total BAMF so it was nice to indulge :)
It's funny, I've never been attracted to John/Jim as a pairing, but now I've written this I really want to write some more. Something that's darker and involves consensual John/Jim. So, you'll probably see some more from me soon enough!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, and John. I too am a great believer in John Watson, solid, stoic, responsible and not a man to be messed with. Especially when it comes to messing people he cares about.
i was CRAVING for some mori/john at the end, and that's something i never thought i'd feel...! brilliant writing!
Thank you!
I must admit, the quiet, solid, dangerous side or John is my favourite. He's so understated until he needs to be more, then WHAM! And of course, we all know that messing with Sherlock is one sure fire way to make John very unhappy.
Glad you liked it :)
Love you too my dear, always!
♥ ♥ ♥
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