Title: Still Here
Rating: T
Pairings: House/Wilson friendship (slash goggles possible), Chase.
Word Count: 1300+
Spoilers: 8x19 The C Word.
Summary: AU, based on promos of The C Word. “You placed him in a position he should never have had to be in.”
A/N: Completed before The C Word aired. So please ignore the morphine party that House had with Wilson.
The day Wilson goes back to the work is a day of celebration in PPTH... )
Comments 14
I've had the Wilson speaking French Fry scene in my head for a long time. It seemed right to slot it in here :)
"Not before, but I do now."
I'm glad that Wilson will appreciate House properly from here on.
Also, your details are excellent. The paragraph on House's caregiving particularly stands out.
Yet another example of the need to "edit" last episode. [I actually thought of that moment as one moment, at a safe time before Wilson started being seriously in danger.]
In his delirium, he had said and done things so horrible that no-one, not even House had deserved.
Certainly he hadn't, Wilson. I almost hated him in that scene for saying those things to House.
House hadn't batted an eyelid; it had been Wilson at his worst, but he took it all, stored it away, brushed off the half-complete apology and never mentioned it again. Wilson doesn't know if he could have that.
I'm quite sure he wouldn't have reacted as well as House had. If House would have said the half of it, Wilson probably would have lashed out, at least.
Oh Wilson definitely would have lashed out. Or at least, lectured House.
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