Title:Coming Back Book: The Charioteer Rating: G Summary: Ralph's POV at the end of chapter sixteen. Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters and make no profit from them. Special thank you to jrtomlin and all your wonderful advise. ( Read more... )
Title: Drowning Author: Dramadream10 Book: The Charioteer Characters: Ralph Lanyon Rating: PG Summary: Ralph’s version of Dunkirk when he’s ship went down. Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters and make no profit from them.
I would love to see a story about Hephaistion's family after Alexander the Great died? It would be nice if either Hephaistion or Alexander make a camero...but to remain only that and to have the story focus on his family and not the man himself. This story can even go into how they lived while Hephaistion was away, their reaction to his death and
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ok so i never actually wrote in this b4...but o welll...k well all i have to say is...I LOVE MY BROTHER!!! if he hadn't said..."hey lets go to mexico for my bday...*really random but whatever* and bring dominic." if not dom would b in london when all this happened!!!!!!! omg!! my brother came into our room in the middle of the nite last nite
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