Round 7 Voting Rules & Procedures

Sep 23, 2010 11:24

Rules for Voting | Banners | Links to Voting Posts

Voting Rules & Procedures

Due to the short length of all the fics, voting is going to work a bit differently for this round, so please read these rules carefully before submitting your votes!

- Each category has been given a separate voting post, upon which we have provided all of the nominated fics, in their entirety (with the authors' permission, of course!). All the submissions for the Special Challenge have been treated in the same manner. Links to all of these voting posts are provided below.

- To vote, go to each voting post and read the nominees. Fics rated R or NC-17 have been clearly marked (there aren't many of them) and Dramione Awards reminds you that you should be of age to read these stories.

- When you have finished reading all the nominees on that post, leave a comment at that particular voting post (comments will be screened; NO anonymous comments allowed) ranking your three favorite fics in that category, with #1 being your top favorite, #2 your second favorite, etc. A box with HTML code will be provided at the bottom of each voting post for you to copy, paste into your comment, and fill in with your votes. If you do not have a LiveJournal account, you may instead send your ranked votes in an email to dramioneawards[at]gmail[dot]com, but be sure to label your votes with the category(ies) you are voting for.

- Each nominated fic has been assigned a number. When ranking your three favorites, please provide the number of the fic, instead of the title. It will save time for both you and the mods!

- You must vote for THREE fics in any category you choose to vote in. EXCEPTION: If you are a nominee in a category with only three total nominees, you are allowed to fill only the first two slots since you cannot cast a vote for yourself. Simply rank your two competitors as #1 and #2 and jot down a note next to the #3 slot indicating that you are a nominee in that category. That way, we mods can see at a glance why you only cast two votes for that category. Of course, you can also choose not to vote at all in that category if you so choose.

- As always, you may NOT vote for yourself!!!

- When you are done voting in a category, just click the link on the voting post that says "Return to Main Page", and you will be directed back here to the main list of categories. Then, you can click a link to a new category and repeat the voting process over again for that category.

- Voting will be open until Midnight, Eastern Standard (New York) Time on October 7th, 2010. Mods will tally up the votes -- top favorite votes get 3 points each, 2nd favorite votes get 2 points, and 3rd favorite votes get 1 point. In case of a tie, the fic with the most "top favorite" votes wins. Winners will be announced on October 9th.

- As always, questions or concerns can be directed to the mods by leaving a comment to this post, or by emailing us at dramioneawards[at]gmail[dot]com.

NOMINATED AUTHORS: You are welcome - no, encouraged! - to share the news about your nominations and encourage your friends and readers to come participate in the voting process. However, we request that you link them to THIS post and NOT directly to the voting post(s) which contain your nominated fic(s). We would like all participants to be directed to this post first so they can read the rules and have the opportunity to vote for the other nominees as well. There are pimping banners below, which you can copy and paste into your personal LJ that will link directly to this post.

Be sure to spread the news about the awards by copying and pasting the code for this pimping banner into your personal LJ!">">">">

Here are the links to all of the voting posts:

Round 7 Nominees

1a - Best Romantic Drabble
1b - Best Romantic Flash Fiction
1c - Best Romantic Ficlet

2a - Funniest Drabble
2b - Funniest Flash Fiction
2c - Funniest Ficlet

3a - Best Heart-wrenching Drabble
3b - Best Heart-wrenching Flash Fiction
3c - Best Heart-wrenching Ficlet

4a - Sexiest Drabble
4b - Sexiest Flash Fiction
4c - Sexiest Ficlet

5a - Most Creative Drabble
5b - Most Creative Flash Fiction
5c - Most Creative Ficlet

6a - Best Dialogue in a Drabble
6b - Best Dialogue in a Flash Fiction
6c - Best Dialogue in a Ficlet

Special Challenge Entries:

Best Special Challenge Drabble
Best Special Challenge Flash Fiction
Best Special Challenge Ficlet

special challenge, round 7, rules, voting

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