Photographs TCG x.x
Main PostOctober
October 3rd:
- Received mugiwara02/11/17/19, shirogamon04, woman10, disgust12, complex06, chubby05 and blackbutler04 as part of my
starter pack- Received my member card, cosplay12, windam01, and woman03 for
updating my card post October 4th:
- Traded member cards with
danybel [mc: 01]
- Traded complex06 for grandline18 to
danybel [T01]
- Added
danybel to my trading buddies
October 5th:
- Traded member cards with
jenybear [mc:02]
- Added
jenybear to my trading buddies
- Traded member cards with
bosom [mc:03]
- Received france16, cannon01, sleepy03, mugiwara14, chubby04, complex20, 0009, 0109, 0204, penguin06, evangelion02, grandline15, nendoroid03, megane14 from the
September release- Traded member cards with
galearc [mc:04]
- Traded member cards with
antagonists [mc:05]
- Received dawn16, keyblade01, keyblade10, keyblade17, heavy01 from
discarded photos October 6th:
- Traded member cards with
kurunee [mc:06]
- Traded member cards with
unasuvas [mc:07]
October 8th:
- Traded member cards with
midori_lover [mc:08]
- Traded cosplay12 for 0002 to
unasuvas [t02]
- Received marimo16, pleasure16, zura19, liquid01, diligence05, curry18, apprentice07, ramen09, memorized08, yondaime04, amefuto10, strongworld03, quality11, jollyrogers20 from the
october release and also rayearth12, sadako19, questi12 and maiden19
- Traded ramen09, zura19 for marimo02, cannon07 to
jenybear [t03/04]
- Traded diligence05 for marimo04 to
galearc [t05]
- Traded apprentice07 for marimo06 to
swoobat [t06]
- Traded memorized08 and yondaime04 for mugiwara05, mugiwara12, mugiwara15 to
danybel [t07/08/09]
- Traded quality11 for marimo09 to
antagonists [t10]
-Traded keyblade01/10/17, dawn16, and france16 for marimo01/19/20 and mugiwara01/20 to
danybel [11/12/13/14/15/16]
October 11th:
- Traded amefuto10 for marimo07 to
katou [t22]
- Traded curry18 and woman03 for marimo05 and 0215 to
bosom [t23/24]
- Traded liquid01 for marimo03 to
silvertigerx [t25]
- Traded megane14 for liar16 to
jenybear [t26]
- Received heaven07 and eroge05 from
translation miscalculation 18- Received stripes17 from
seeiyu guess 18-Received spirits10, hostclub19 and scarves13 from
left vs right 18 October 15th:
-Traded scarves13 for mugiwara04 to
danybel [t27]
-Got magic20 and diet 08 from
freebies 10 -Got flower03, gore04 and bengal18 from
guess the op/ed 13-Got a red camera, quality14, tristan15 and trumpet09 from
pick a genre 14-Got destiny09, destiny10, destiny11, destiny12, destiny13 from
discarded photos
-Got relax02, king20 and virgo13 from
deck donation-Got evangelion12 and hime17 from
translation miscalculation 19-Got earl07, drums04, eyebrows20, noscared10, unshaven10 from
test your knowledge 14 October 18th:
-Traded pleasure16 for 0216 to
grimoire [t28]
-Traded destiny09 and destiny10 for housewife20 and 0017 to
danybel [t29/30]
-Got poneglyph06 from
jenybear-Traded disgust12 for evangelion03 to
katou [t31]
-Traded member cards with
tsuyokunaru and
katou [mc09/10/11/12]
-Got protector04, cloud02 and wish08 from
left vs right 19-Traded maiden19 for marimo12 to
tsuyokunaru [t32]
-Traded eyebrows20 for tongue06 to
danybel [t33]
November 2nd:
- Received 2 candies from
halloween event day 1-Traded destiny11, destiny12 and destiny13 and drums04 for erocook16, 0101 and poneglyph08/14 to
danybel [t34/35/36]
-received 3 candies from
halloween event day 3 -got punks12, france02 and shujaa03 from
crosswords 03-Got retrace02 and phantomcurse03 from
left vs right 20-Got netherworld12, chiralcafe06, strongworld02, tiger18 and trustybell12 from
snapshots 04-got pink18, artemis12 and haru13 from
guess the op/ed 15-got the trick "you may only donate one character and one puzzle deck next month" from
halloween event day 2-got 6 candies from
halloween event day 5 & 6-got three fatsopps as a trick from
halloween event day 7-got 10 candy from
halloween event day 9 & 10-got the trick "you're not allowed to comment on the next freebies game" from
halloween event day 8-got 3 candies from
halloween event day 11-got 12 candies, arcobaleno08, eating12, garden05, inaba17, maiden06,q106, sister15, bride20, eternity20, gewehr07, jyuunishi08, majesty16, quest13, strategy19, cannon05, fiance13, ghosttrick20, lancelot15, maskgang08, selfless15, xrosheart05 from halloween event day 13
-Bought mugiwara13, mugiwara14, mugiwara18, marimo03, marimo08, marimo10 from
the film shop with a red camera
-Traded tongue06 for poneglyph07 to
cataclysts [t37]
November 4th:
-Got mugiwara03/06/07, marimo15/17/18, reindeer01/02/18, erocook03/05/20, navigator10 from the
holiday shoppe-Gave fatsopps to
danybel, and
tsuyokunaru -Traded earl07 for evangelion04 to
harumonia [t38]
-Traded retrace02 for poneglyph18 to
midori_lover [t39]
tsuyokunaru as a trading buddy
-Traded member cards, quest12/13, hostclub19, and phantomcurse03 for 0119 art16, and poneglyph10/17 to
kayoriayane [t40/41/42/43] [mc13]
-Traded strategy19 for liar20 to
futachimaru [t44]
-Traded garden05 and sadako19 for cannon02 and erocook12 to
enfacade [t45/46]
-Traded art16 for 0110 to
danybel [t47]
November 7th:
- Took gekai06, eyeshield06, aniki12, kaka13, perm11, badkarma12, magatsu12, leader13, kingsaw09, crossdress07, candybath01, willoffire11, firecrotch18, traps08, trismegistus04 and cruise02 from the november release
-traded eyeshield06 for candybath03 to katou [t48]
-traded aniki12 for candybath04 to tsuyokunaru [t49]
-traded magatsu12 for candybath08 to bahamas [t50]
-traded leader13 for candybath09 to sekihan [t51]
-traded kingsaw09 for candybath10 to gumi [t52]
-traded willoffire11 for candybath12 to jenybear [t53]
-traded firecrotch18 and gekai06 for candybath02 and birds01 to danybel [t54/56]
-traded blackbutler04, noscared10, haru13, quality14 for strongworld01, strongworld10, jollyrogers01, marimo11, marimo13 at the photo exchange
-traded tiger18 for 0015 to yuidirnt [t57]
-traded france02 for 0212 to danybel [t58]
-got uranus14 and cyclone13 from
donating a deck-got cannon18, evangelion11 and strongworld15 from tsuyokunaru as a gift
-got buchou18, jealous14, jintan03 from
word search 05-traded kaka13 for candybath05 to antagonists [t59]
November 11th:
-traded gekai06 and firecrotch18 for candybath02 and birds01 to danybel [t60/61]
-traded trismegistus04 for candybath13 to futachimaru [t62]
-traded perm11 for candybath06 to midori_lover [t63]
-got model09, saturn13, england12, blackrose15 and a red camera from
the scavenger hunt-traded nendoroid03 and magic20 for liar11 and poneglyph04 to taminas [t64/65]
-got heaven15 from
left vs right 22-traded cruise02 for candybath14 to dearmykeysx [t66]
-traded trustybell12 and blackrose15 for jollyrogers05 and albino15 to jenybear [t67/68]
-traded badkarma12 for candybath07 to yamachan01 [t69]
-got ikebukuro10, faust11, pimpdaddy12, tauburn08, diet17 and a yellow camera from
snapshots 05-traded heaven15/07 for liar02 and 0004 to tsuyokunaru [t70/71]
November 17th:
-Traded traps08 for poneglyph16 to midori_lover [t72]
-traded crossdress07 for candybath11 to bosom [t73]
-received pluto20, youandi09, rockon08, drums18 and platinum12 from
snaphots 07 -Traded bride20, q-106, rayearth12, acroobaleno08, ikebukuro10 for candybath15, mugiwara08, mugiwara16, marimo14 in
photo exchange -received cubes06, haru07 and a yellow camera from
guess the mangaka 13-received 0015, order01/03/05/18 from
discarded photos-received airwing17, pulse08, and oni06 from
left vs right 23-
Mastered Marimo. Received mugiwara09/10, contract20, allies04 and an orange camera
Mastered Mugiwara. received ero-cook01/11, serpent17, occult01 and a red camera
November 30th:
- Received ero-cook07, ero-cook09, ero-cook19, poneglyph05, poneglyph11, liar01, liar03, liar05, liar06, liar10 from
discarded photos-Traded serpent17 for incest05 to jenybear [t74]
-got bolverk03, china04 and leo17 from
melodic tunes 18-got kira16 and tsundere07 from
translation misclaculation 23
first masteries for mugiwara and marimo and a pink camera and green camera
-got cubes16 and 5000012 from
freebies 13-received shikitty07, whiterose02, strongworld03, gravitation19 and dayclass06 from
snapshots 07-got ghostfile14, chibimoon16, sleepy07 and cowgirls06 from
word scramble 17
-Traded order01/03 for birds09 and penguin20 to danybel [t75/76]
December 10th:
- traded sleepy07, drums18, oder05/18 for birds10, navigator02/05/12 to danybel [t77/78/79/80]
- got chief01 and akuba03 from
card gamble 01- got guitar02, guitar06, guitar07, guitar10, guitar17 from
discarded photos- received chii16, justice06, pilot10, and maidens01 from
word scramble 18- traded pink18 for 0219, and received albino12 and liar15 from katou [t81]
- received maschera14, gloomy07, flight07, seles19 and a green camera from
pick a genre 18-took ramen05, pleasure16 and keyboard07 from the update post
- got millefore13, existence14 and tamayori20 from
left vs right 24- traded pleasure16, ramen05, keyboard07 for liar14/18 and navigator14 to danybel [t82/83/84]
February 16th:
- got futon08, rockbison03, bunny11, brat19 and roof13 from
snapshots 08 - got germany16, sadist18 and shannaro06 from
seiyuu guess 16- got quality15, shannaro08 and starcrossed15 from
pick a genre 19- got vongola16, loveless16, mechanic02, ceasar06, and mecha03 from
snapshots 09- got blackbutler15 from
right vs left 25- Received my
member card 03 - received my
member card 02- got tristan15, cuarta17 and kira01 for
donating a regular deck- got maskgang15, clocktower18, shannaro15, holmes02, phantomcurse16, aniki16 and two coupons from the
scavenger hunt- traded guitar02 and kira16 for gekai17 and poneglyph13 to danybel [t85/86]
February 20th:
- Received 0102, rival10, and sleepy07 for
rejoining photos-Took hawkeyes01, blacksteel05, sadist17, atari04, gorilla09, amnesia07, light14, ophiuchus05, faith02, void19, lutwidge05, sket07, gunslinger05, salvation09, hostage04, north italy 09 from the
december release- Took poneglyph20, erocook02, reindeer04, dominion10, magic11, piano10, Memorized16, sleepy06, mouse09, hostage03, gunslinger04, jolly rogers06, birthbysleep20, strongworld04 from the
surprise release- Traded member cards 01 with kurunee, sundais, fleurfolle, tojiko, mc02 with gouenji, danybel, jenybear, dearmykeysx, and mc03 with dearmykeysx and danybel [mc:23]
- Traded light14 for hawkeyes07 to gouenji [t87]
- traded void19 for hawkeyes11 to katou [t88]
- traded sadist17 for hawkeyes03 to jenybear [t89]
- traded amnesia06 for hawkeye06 to keuye [t90]
- traded lutwidge05 for hawkeyes12 to midori_lover [t91]
- traded sket07 for hawkeyes13 to polisemia [t92]
- traded atari04 for hawkeyes04 to tsuyokunaru [t93]
- traded salvation09 for hawkeyes15 to gantai [t94]
- traded gorilla09 for hawkeyes05 to futachimaru [t95]
- traded faith02 for hawkeyes18 to sundais [t96]
- traded gunslinger05 for hawkeyes14 to tojiko [t97]
- traded justice06 for hawkeyes10 to kurunee [t98]
March 1st:
- traded piano10 for hawkeyes17 to fleurfolle [t99]
- traded mouse09 for jollyrogers08 to ciette [t100]
- traded magic11 for hawkeyes08 to kurunee [t101]
- got boss11, pimpdaddy12, tiger15, erocook06, blackknight01, feathers18, scar18, writer13, tactical10, a yellow camera, 2 ious and the event card from the
valentine's day event- traded memorized16 for strongworld05 to sundais [102]
- traded dominion10 for reindeer03 to jenybear [t103]
- got complex09, girly15, and clown14 from the
donation deck- traded gunslinger04 for strongworld20 to tojiko [t104]
- traded leo17, maiden06, maiden19, spirits10, haru07, for erocook08, gekai20, 0016, 0111, 0213 to taminas [t105/106/107/108/109]
- traded sleepy06 and birthbysleep20 for jollyrogers16 and hawkeyes20 and member cards02/03 to danybel [t110/111][mc24/25]
- traded hostage03/04 for erocook13 and hawkeyes09 to bazookas [t112/113]
- got varna20, heavy01 and bandit11 from
donating a deck March 16th:
- Took skulljoke01, trust03, familyman04, sincerity05, mayora06, canada09, bossun03, deduction07, japan08, princess01, emerald13, Muto Ashirogi02, military09, gainax10, blue19 from the
march release- traded a bunch of cards
- Traded sincerity05 for skulljoke04 to goenji [t114]
- Traded germany16 and familyman04 for hawkeyes19 and skulljoke03 to jenybear [t115/116]
- Got virgo05, gekai13 and dearfuture02 from
donating a deck- got hikona10 and kurako20 from
donating a deck- traded deduction07 for skulljoke08 to antagonists [t117]
- traded military09 for skulljoke13 to katou [t118]
- got a pink camera, tauburn20 and infirmary10 from
guess the mangaka 15- traded bossun03 for skulljoke07 to polisemia [t119]
- traded canada09 for skulljoke06 to pyol [t120]
- traded trust03, guitar06/07/10/17, clocktower18, cuarta17 for skulljoke02, erocook15, northitaly12, gekai03, battlefruits11, navigator06, navigator20 to danybel [121/122/123/124/125/126/127]
- got clones02, names02, and fabulous11 from
word search 08- traded ganax10 for skulljoke14 to individual [t128]
March 31st:
- got universe20, dragon17, sadist09, curator19 from
distorted covers 16 - got kiss11 and visions17 from
Card Gamble 05
- got willoffire10 and roseprincess13 from
Freebies 14
- got shibuya11, archery13, innovator06, puzzle12, witch07 from
snapshots 11- got masked 09 from
pick a genre 23- got eldarian19 from
left vs right 27- traded blue19 for jollyrogers14 to Jen [t129]
- got cruelest09, storm14, umbrella07 from
melodic Tunes 25- got tsaritsa03, holymen05, ducttape16 from
guess the op/ed 22- got miracles06 and seizakareshi07 from
card gamble 06- got kuim07, shibuya19, megane10, guitar04 from
discussion round 10
- traded gloomy07, rockbison03 and relax02 for 0208, 0217, and candybath20 to Polly [t130/131/132]
- got spirits12, piano10, troublesome05 from
left vs right 28- got a green camera and shoukanjuu03 from
pick a genre 24- got sommelier02, classf04, quiet20, code0307, caution16, melonpan18, magic18, a yellow camera and a orange camera from
Pick a key- traded japan08 for skulljoke09 to gantai [t133]
- traded kurako20 for liar07 to kurunee [t134]
- got sablier04, tantalus16, cop10 from
seiyuu guess 23- got tristan05 and mangekyo08 from
blurry pictures 27- got decadence02, earl01, yakiniku10 from
locations 12- got jumpy04, birthbysleep01, kuim10 from
left vs right 29- got sisters13 and an IOU from
pick a genre 25 April 12th:
- traded MC03 with kurunee [mc26]
- took romano15, evil19, gavinners09, orb09, blades16, switch02, meat06, desert17, speedstar15, bromance13, keyblades19, blondie09 from the april release
= Trades: 128 = Member cards: 26 = Cameras: 05 = Games: 20 =