Resources and Links

Sep 19, 2009 02:36

Resources and Links:






100x100_brushes | icons_with_love | dj43



how_2_Photoshop | icon_feedback | icon_tutorial | icontutorials




The Sweetness of Being Yourself

Screencaps, quotes from the movie, passages from the novel and more.

Pages and pages of Last Unicorn screen caps

Danielle's Last Unicorn Site

A collection of Last Unicorn screen caps, including a section dedicated to Lady Amalthea, a handful of quotes and a short summary of all the characters.

Magic Fields Das letzte Einhorn

Pics, fanart, info & such. Choose between English or German.

Paladin's Last Unicorn Page

Pics and links.

A few cels from the movie here and here.

Also be sure to check out our memories for icon tutorials, screen caps, a collection of icons found in other journals and other fan creations that can be found on lj.

Other Last Unicorn Sites

graphic by mayflymasonjar

The Last Unicorn on Live Journal

the_last | lastunicornicon | last_unicorn_ | peterbeaglefans

Conlan Press

Official site of the publishing company for the upcoming Last Unicorn audio book, and sequel, Two Hearts


The "unofficial"(?) Peter Beagle website

The Last

The official site for the upcoming live-action last unicorn movie.

Sergei Zubkov's The Last Unicorn Site

Lyrics, mp3s, script, in English or Russian.

Marc Hairston's The Last Unicorn Information Page

Info on the book, movie and author with links.

Christina's Unicorn Page

A very interesting essay written by one of Christina's friends, Allegra Heinrichs. Heinrichs argues that the story in The Last Unicorn could be a metaphor for each girl's journey into womanhood.

Pegasi's Pixel's: A Collection of Icons and Wallpaper

Co-Mod pegasi1978's graphics webpage. Includes a large section of her Last Unicorn icons, the majority of which were created for this community.

The Internet Movie Database

IMDB's page on the 1982 animated version of the movie.

Transcription of "The Last Unicorn" movie script.

Last Unicorn Collector

List and pictures of Last Unicorn collector's items.

Other Interesting Unicorn Sites

The Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters

Official site of the Unicorn Tapestries, which provided the inspiration for the opening song number for the movie. An interactive and very informative site. The tapestries themselves are located at The Cloisters in New York, an extension of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Medieval Art

Washington State University's Dr. Michael Delahoyde's Unicorn Tapestries page. Includes info, and picture links.

Unicorn products for sale, picture galleries, and a few legends.

Lair2000's Unicorn Dreams

One of these days, I'll sit down and explore the whole site. I know it does have some LU stuff...somewhere....

Everything Dies

Some great sites that are now no more. However, with the help of The WayBack Machine, you may be able to recover some material.

Nothing Ends

Humongous page of links to various Last Unicorn sites.

Last Unicorn Screen Captures

Take a wild guess what this page had?

3rd Last Unicorn Page

If I remember correctly, this page was huge. Screencaps, sounds, overview. I keep hoping it will come back on-line.

Broken link? Found a site that you think would make a good resources? Let us know by commenting to this post!

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