Title: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant Author: mizface Fandom: due South Pairing: F/K (implied) Rating: G Word Count: 940 A/N: Title from a Billy Joel song. And I did use the prompt, just in a blink and you’ll miss it kind of way
Announcing the Interruptions challenge. Crimes, speeches, sex -- you name it, the Due South characters can interrupt it or be interrupted doing it. \o/
It's November 2 -- stories are due by midnight, November 16, Chicago time.
Title: Spookshow, baby Author: Sionnain Fandom: due South Pairing: Kowalski/Vecchio Rating: Teen Word Count: 3714 Summary: Ray comes home from work on Halloween night, and finds Kowalski has made a very bad choice about what to watch on TV.
Title: Carry On Author: Aria Pairing: Kowalski/Vecchio Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 8299 Summary: What's worse than a dead best friend? A dead best friend who sits in your armchair going on about unfinished business and giving you worried looks. In which Fraser and Vecchio each try to be helpful in their own way, and Ray just tries to get on with his
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