The worst thing about summer, Colin reflected to himself, was that it was invariably too damn hot to cook. The flat was neat, he'd finished his writing goal for the day, and so he decided he deserved a reward.
After owling a pizza shop down in Everywitch Way- well, ravening- he settled back to wait for his dinner to arrive.
Wherever he'd been, Colin PINpointed home looking quite irritable, tugging a T-shirt back on. He checked himself over to make sure he had the essentials, and then stalked into the bedroom.
No, he really wasn't thrilled with the universe, there are probably small children in Botswana who knew that.
So it's a dreary London afternoon. Dunnett's been to his publisher for a meeting about advances, and comes home somewhat earlier than he'd planned. He's in a good mood- but who knows how long that'll last.
It's a chilly afternoon in Paris. There's been a little bit of snow- not a lot, just a flurry- and the crisp winter air licks at the panes of the apartment where Dunnett's turned up
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There's a convenient nexus couch, there's a Dunnett what has some booze to pour into himself, and there's a hitobashira who's decided he wants to debauch Dunnett.
This could get curious, indeed.
"So... uhm, before you became as you are, uhm- is it rude to ask how you were before that?"
It's a small studio apartment. There's a bit of furniture, but the indications- a bit of dust, a bit of staleness to the air- are that the place isn't used much. "So what are we doing here then, Perce...?" asks Dunnett once the two are through apparating. "Meaning- what do you want of me?"