does anyone use these things anymore? well i just checked mine for the first time in 38 weeks. lol. i leave for school in 9 days!!!!! 9 days!!!!!!!!! a week from sat
i now own my own car! i own a gorgeous 1991 white Acura Legend se i am so excited! i get it on friday! holy shit i have a to go process this!
if anyone ever feels sad dont worry one day ull get a car and be happy haha oh and superbowl my ass thats my b day and bob marleys so celebrate! lol wow im so jitttery
i guess that its eaither escape or continue how i am living which is just standing there loving evryone, and seeing nothing in return
i wish i was a bitch, life would be so much easier and i could shed this occupation of novato highschool welcome mat, i cant get walked all over anymore. but the only way to stop it would be to throw the mat out.