SPECIAL APPLICATIONS Edensphere is now officially CLOSED.
This page is being kept up for moderation records; any applications that are sent in will neither be accepted nor processed.
Applying for Characters What kinds of characters can I apply for? Do I have to reserve a character before I apply? How will I know if someone is applying for a certain character? When does Edensphere's application period open? My application has been in queue for a while now--what happened to it? Can I play more than one character from the same series? And what's the character limit? Can characters and duplicates from the same series come from different parts of the timeline? Special Conditions & Abilities What if the character I would like to apply for is already dead or terminally ill, diseased, or otherwise undergoing physical degeneration? What if the character I would like to apply for is partially -if not completely- nonhuman? Are child characters allowed in Edensphere? Are pregnant characters allowed in Edensphere? What if the character I want to apply for is canonly illiterate? What exceptions are there to writing in English? Does my character still have his/her abilities? If so, which ones Can my character learn other characters' abilities? How does my character reacquire abilities? Edensphere Specifics How does my character obtain a name, and how should I pick one? What's your policy on duplicate names? How do I distinguish one character from another? What is the dream? What should I write for my character's dream? Wait, so my character has no memories--does this mean that my character doesn't know anything? ※ Applications 411
※ Applying for Characters
What kinds of characters can I apply for?
- Canon/Fandom Characters [ default application]
Note: First-time applicants and returning players are limited to this application. Returning players re-applying for a canon character they formerly played in Edensphere, please indicate whether you would like the character to retain his/her previous Edensphere memories in the 'Aspirations' section.
You may apply for characters that are from manga, comics, books, video games, anime, cartoons, movies, or television. Sorry, non-fictional characters are prohibited. Please consult moderation about any character that does not comfortably fall in the aforementioned realms. - Alternate Universe Characters [ special application]
Prerequisite: Applicant must have demonstrated the ability to actively play at least one substantial canon character for a minimum of two activity checks. Limited to current Edensphere members only.
This encompasses canon/fandom characters that are heavily influenced by fan-based assumptions/memories, and minor/original characters from existing canon/fandom. Essentially, characters who require a strong amount of 'filling in' or whose backgrounds are 'insubstantial' and need padding fall in this category. - Original Characters [ special application]
Prerequisite: Applicant must have demonstrated the ability to actively play at least one substantial canon character for a minimum of two activity checks. Limited to current Edensphere members only.
This encompasses characters of the player's own creation. As of Aug 16, 2008, all OCs MUST be completely original, meaning minor canon/fandom characters are not covered in this application. If the character is an original one assumed to be in an existing canon/fandom setting, please utilize the AU application. - Carry-Over Characters [ special application]
Prerequisite: Applicant must have demonstrated the ability to actively play at least one substantial canon character for a minimum of two activity checks. Limited to current Edensphere members only.
This encompasses canon/fandom, AU, and original characters carried over from other RP communities; these characters have, in addition to their canon/fandom or original backgrounds, accumulated history and memories that affect their personalities and/or the way they're played. However, please keep in mind the nature of Edensphere as a community, as characters from completely crack or OOC RPs may not fit as comfortably or appropriately. - Duplicate Characters [ special application]
Prerequisites Applicant must have demonstrated the ability to actively play at least one substantial canon character for a minimum of two activity checks, receive permission from those who currently play the character, and mod approval (as of Aug 16, 2008).
Restrictions: Up to three instances of a single playable character allowed. No single player may play more than one instance of a single playable character at any given time. Duplicates are determined by moderation on a case-by-case basis.
This encompasses canon/fandom, AU, and carry-over characters. Because there are some players who may feel uncomfortable about a character duplicate, we would like to respect their decision first and foremost. If you are uncomfortable about approaching a player about a duplicate, you are free to approach moderation for mediation.
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Back to TopDo I have to reserve a character before I apply? How will I know if someone is applying for a certain character?While it's not a requirement, you can
reserve any character you wish to apply for during the reservation period before moderation opens applications. Players are limited to reserving only ONE character at a time. We do not allow players to reserve for their friends; we discourage potential players from reserving with character journals or any aside from one's own player/personal journal.
As of Apr 22, 2009, moderation opens reserves one week before opening applications. Once the application period has begun, the reserves close, and players will not be allowed to make any more reserves. No exceptions. As moderation receives applications, they will be indicated in the processing queue located on the
reserves page.
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Back to TopWhen does Edensphere's application period open?
- Default (Canon/Fandom) Applications
As of Nov 28, 2009, there is a one-week application period open once every other month. We will NOT process applications received before the specified window period of time; nor will we make any exceptions for late applications. Following the window period, the moderation team will process applications in waves--check out the reserves page to see which applications will be processed for the remainder of the month. - Special Applications
Because moderation doesn't receive as many of these application types, they are open at all times; however, this is subject to change if there's a dramatic increase in the volume of these applications. Please keep in mind that there are specific prerequisites to fulfill before using these applications and that moderation will factor the player's activity during processing.
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Back to TopMy application has been in queue for a while now--what happened to it?We apologize in advance for the inconvenience and request your patience. Moderation receives such a large volume of applications that it may take up to two or three weeks to process them all. Additionally, there is a voting procedure when processing applications. Because moderation and help staff are not familiar with all fandoms, research and discussion may further prolong the processing time.
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Back to TopCan I play more than one character from the same series? And what's the character limit?Yes, you are allowed to play more than one character from a single series. As of Dec 10, 2008, we are no longer allowing players to apply for same-series characters that have close, highly interactive or influential relationships with one another; this includes mentor/student, familial, adoptive, best friend, alliance, eternal rival, mortal enemy, and other similar relationships. Moderation encourages interaction between different players, and feels that players will get the most enjoyment and fulfillment out of Edensphere's unique environment when not limiting interaction to one's own characters.
As of Sep 25, 2008, there is no definitive character limit in Edensphere. Please apply for only ONE character per application period or activity check (every two weeks). With each additional character, moderation will consider a player's ability to keep his/her characters active and substantially IC while abiding by the rules. By 'substantially IC', moderation expects the player to demonstrate a character's range of personality wherever applicable in-game and development by whatever means the game provides. Please approach moderation if you are uncertain whether or not to apply for another character.
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Back to TopCan characters and duplicates from the same series come from different parts of the timeline?Yes, we do allow both characters and duplicate versions from the same series to come from completely different parts of the timeline.
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Back to Top※ Special Conditions & Character Abilities
What if the character I would like to apply for is already dead or terminally ill, diseased, or otherwise undergoing physical degeneration?We allow dead characters in Edensphere and treat their 'life' as afterlife. Wounds and critical injuries from fatal final battles have disappeared; natural causes of death are suspended in time, neither healing nor degrading any further. Terminal illness, disease, and other ailments causing physical degeneration are treated similarly. Ability usage that decreases a character's life span will no longer do so; however, s/he may still suffer severe physical side effects from using such abilities.
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Back to TopWhat if the character I would like to apply for is partially -if not completely- nonhuman?While we allow a vast array of nonhuman characters in Edensphere, characters cannot and will not be given any special abilities that are beyond their canon capacity. Therefore, we don't recommend any characters that do not have a canon means of communication such as telepathy, speech, or literacy; it's similar if the character will wind up dependent on others to write in a journal.
- Robotic
This includes androids, robots, cyborgs, and characters with other mechanical artificial modifications. Battery-operated beings are treated as if given an endless battery supply. Players may discuss with moderation whether or not a character is born with his/her artificial modification. - Animalistic
This includes characters that are partially if not completely animal, from chimeras to pokemon to lycanthropes. As long as the character has a canon capacity of communicating to literate humanoids, arrangements can be made for NPCs to write journal communications for them. - Undead
This includes characters of spiritual nature, such as ghosts, as well as corporeal nature, such as vampires and zombies. (See Wikipedia citation.)Vampires and Blood-feeding Characters: NPCs -both creatures and humanoid characters- are available for these characters as necessary, but they are not allowed to choose and/or feed upon PCs without consent.
Confined: Moderation discuss arrangements for soul-bound items to exist in Edensphere. Similarly, if the character exists trapped in an inanimate object that cannot move or travel on its own, moderation can make NPC (or even PC) arrangements for its transportation and journal communication. Any characters requiring contracts for existence are immediately contracted to the guide who is there when they hatch.
Deities, Immortals, Ghosts, & Other Spiritual Beings: They exist as if given physical bodies. While most of their abilities and powers are likely to remain intact, please consult moderation about special conditions and abilities that may be affected by this change in their spiritual nature.
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Back to TopAre child characters allowed in Edensphere?While we do allow child characters and do not have any minimum age restrictions, please note that we do not recommend child characters for first-time applicants. We understand that children would have considerably shorter backgrounds and advise you to consult moderation before applying for a child character to determine the most appropriate application (canon/fandom versus special requirements).
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Back to TopAre pregnant characters allowed in Edensphere?Unfortunately, we do not allow pregnant characters; similarly, it is conceptually impossible for characters to become pregnant in Edensphere. If you still would like to apply for the character, moderation will request that you please choose a point in the timeline where she is not pregnant. The only time that pregnant characters can exist in Edensphere is if they arrive by some unorthodox means, such as crossover events.
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Back to TopWhat if the character I want to apply for is canonly illiterate?If the character is a species that is capable of literacy, we'll give you a little leeway to say that s/he at least knows the basics or bare-bones reading comprehension. They may progressively become better at it as they go along. There is no means to 'grant' literacy to characters that are canonly incapable of it.
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Back to TopWhat exceptions are there to writing in English?As of Dec 12, 2008, journal writing and speech are near-completely defaulted into English by a language geas. The only exceptions to using proper English are if, in canon, your character writes or speaks a certain way (for example, using Japanese honorifics, slang, or speech tics), or uses hard-to translate words or expressions that are limited to a certain language/dialect. In the latter case, the journal will substitute the nearest English equivalent; this can be done through the use of OOC notes, and are particularly useful if the languages are unusual or have translators (as in the case of Al Bhed).
For those languages in which a specific written character can be read in multiple ways (for example, Japanese kanji), people who cannot speak that language will see the word the writer intended. Those fluent in that language will be able to see the intended word as well as understand any alternate meanings associated with the various readings of the word. Please contact moderation with any questions regarding the general policy, or scenarios you feel are ambiguous.
In speech, characters are able to switch back to their native tongue or any other they know, assuming that they are aware of it. Examples of this may include Firefly characters slipping into Chinese, or Bleach characters conversing amongst themselves in Japanese. However, their default speaking language is still English. (Clarification as of Jan 11, 2010.)
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Back to TopDoes my character still have his/her abilities? If so, which ones?Characters do not necessarily lose abilities that are innate or second nature, but if the ability is not already automatically active during birth, a character must discover said ability in a natural manner. For example, abilities such as riding a bike and martial arts or armed combat are second nature and almost immediately recoverable. Other abilities, such as shape-shifting, regeneration, telepathy, or even reality-bending might be subconsciously available to characters, so please contact moderation for more specific cases and abilities. Similarly, please approach moderation concerning abilities that cause mass destruction or complete obliteration.
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Back to TopCan my character learn other characters' abilities?Yes, as long as it's within a character's canon potential. For example, two characters with physical potential to channel 'ki' and/or chakra might be able to learn each other's abilities. Or two characters with magical potential might be able to learn and use the same abilities. Be sure to discuss this carefully with the appropriate other players and the moderation team before playing around with this.
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Back to TopHow does my character reacquire abilities?Characters may reacquire or relearn abilities when faced with dangerous or emergency situations that pressure them into reacting with a special ability, although it might be a first-time fluke and impossible to repeat immediately. A surefire way of relearning an ability is to experience it with a memory crystal, discovering how it was possible, and then training to replicate the same or even better results.
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Back to Top※ Edensphere Specifics
How does my character obtain a name, and how should I pick one? What's your policy on duplicate names? How do I distinguish one character from another?Moderation does not name any of the characters; players themselves must choose a name. When your character is born in Edensphere, the guide will tell him/her to come up with a name, either from the dream, some obvious trait/characteristic, or some name that just feels right. Guides are not there to name your character.
Duplicate names are allowed; we expect it to happen just like it does in real life. However, try not to choose the same exact name for a character duplicate.
Having renamed characters can easily lead to confusion (especially upon the introduction of duplicates), so we ask that you please fill in the name on your character's LJ profile as:
- Edensphere Name (Character's Real Name)
Moderation sets up the log tags, so please do not attempt to add your own tags but instead please post your entry and use the tag function () afterward to choose from the listed tags. You can also check the
taken characters post to see which names are in use.
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Back to TopWhat is the dream? What should I write for my character's dream?The dream is the only thing that a character recalls when s/he is born in Edensphere. The character will have no recollection of anything in the past other than what might be considered feeling a vague IC familiarity toward canon-mates or others that s/he has interacted with at a time before; otherwise, the dream is the only lead the character has about his/her life before.
You could basically write almost anything for the dream as long as it relates to the character. It could be really detailed or vague, abstract or symbolic, and so on. Feel free to mix and match character experiences, emotions, or even foreshadowing as you see fit--run away with it.
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Back to TopWait, so my character has no memories--does this mean that my character doesn't know anything?Your character is in a condition similar to
retrograde amnesia and/or
fugue. Most of your character's functional memories remain intact, and s/he should be able to identify common things such as body parts, other beings of the same species, commonly encountered creatures or objects from his/her canon, and the like. Mods and helpstaff can address further questions regarding the premise.
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Back to Top* Revised on 1/13/2010 @ 13:28 UTC
Revision 2/1/2009 version
Revision 9/26/2008 versions
Revision 6/4/2008 version
Revision 5/23/2008 version
Revision 4/14/2008 version
Original 1/24/2008 version