Is there anyone reading this who is not on my friends filter but should be/would like to be? Test post here--if you can read it, then you're on the filter. Yay
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The last one wouldn't be so odd, except that three different people asked me that. Do you expect people to get the same haircut as their significant others
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Since I only own two Calvin and Hobbes books, I was particularly pleased to discover that the comic that's been in my head all day was in one of them
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I recently bought myself one of those ankle-length wool coats. It's not the most practical coat to own in this climate, since it doesn't get that cold here very often, and it doesn't have a hood. But it was $20 at a thrift store, and I couldn't resist
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The word "unfashionable" has been needling at me today. I really want it to be derived from the verb "to fashion," making "unfashionable" mean, say, physically impossible to make, Escherian. Or perhaps, more along Lovecraftian lines, physically possible to make but so terrifying that the fashioning of it will drive the best of people insane
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One thing that was kind of getting to me this weekend (not really in a bad way, just weird) was the frequent use of the word "gamers" to describe our crowd. I've never thought of myself as a gamer. I associate that word with role players and hardcore video gamers. Me? I'm just a person who'd rather play Pounce and Apples to Apples than sing
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