Title: Erhabenheit (Superiority) Fandom: Megaman Characters: Bass, unconscious!bby!Zero Genre: Is angry a genre? Drama, General Rating: R. God Bass has a mouth on him. Summary: Playing Bass at luceti really has influenced my muse.
Title: Introductions Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Characters/Pairing: Cloud, Denzel, musing about Zack and flashbacks. Genre: Musey general, drama. Rating: PG Summary: Cloud introduces Denzel to someone very important to him.
Title: Those Old Shogun Movies Fandom: Katekyo Hitman: Reborn! Characters/Pairing: Yamamoto Genre: Musey General Rating: PG Summary: Warm, drabbley goodness.
Title: Just A Little Broken Pairing/Characters: AschxLuke Genre: Emo fluff Rating: PG Summary: Pitifully short ficlet between Asch and Luke in the middle of the night. Asch muses, Luke annoys him and then makes him feel secretly warm and fuzzy, as usual.
Title: First Dibs Genre: PWP, SEMI(tame)non-con Pairing/Characters: PeonyxLuke Rating: Undoubtedly NC-17 Summary: What he wants, he gets. Perks of being Emperor.