I suppose people on the right get the same stuff, but I am deleting about 25 political emails a day, mostly from the DCCC. Here's what I put in a response that one of them asked for
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As if we weren't pretty sure of that already, this study out of Princeton University compares the political influence of the common voter (ie. you and me) with that of the wealthy - it's no contest.
So, now that Microsoft has decided to stop supporting XP and their only suggestion is to spend a few hundred or a few thousand on a new PC and move on to their much hated Windows 8 platform, I decided to try another route
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I swore I wasn't going to spend more money on my daughter this month... she made out like a bandit at Setsucon this past month and now she managed to con this out of me.... *sigh* I'm a push over. (These are thumbnails - click each to see a larger image)
Not sure how many people are still reading LJ who might be interested in my latest faves, but I thought I'd recommend a manga (or rather manhwa) that I have been taking great delight in lately. It's called Ruler of the Land and while it's not well known here in the states, there are almost 450 chapters of it on some sites. The problem is, only
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