I've decided to not apply to full time graduate school this year. I've let myself fall too far behind on applications for me to be able to apply to a reasonable number of schools on this short of order. This decisions has several benefits
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If you had told me six months ago that, in six months, I'd be able to do an hour on an elliptical without stopping and not be sore the next morning, I would have told you that you were wrong and crazy.
From what I've heard, hotels as far as 150 miles from DC are being booked by people coming to watch Obama's inauguration. I wonder how much money my roommate and I could make by subletting our apartment for those one or two nights and if it would be worth the amount of cleaning I'd have to do (since most, if not all, of the clutter is mine).
I enjoyed this movie a lot. It had a few problems (like, after the initial action sequence, the movie slowed down quite a bit before hitting the ending action stuff), but it was, all-in-all, an enjoyable experience.
I urge you all, in the strongest possible way, to go here (no, it's neither DailyKos nor did I get this from DailyKos), read the article, and sign the petition if you think having a clean place to live is a good idea.
So, I'm back from my adventure at Princeton Sports. I ended up picking up (for, as I predicted, more money then the gift card had on it) a face mask, and underarmor tops and bottoms (since I didn't really have any of that stuff
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I went to the Employee Benefits Fair at work yesterday, since we're in open enrollment now (and there's usually all kinds of neat little free things they hand out there). While there I entered my name into a raffle. I figured the exercise was mostly pointless, since I don't think I've ever really won anything, but I also figured you have to play
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