IC Timeline
November '11
11-21; [ Video ]
[ Where am I? ] [ + Alphonse, Harry, Jack, Lucifer, Mamoru, Roy, Satoko, Envy, Lust, Makoto, Kimblee, Tot, Archer, Natsu ]
11-24; [ Log ]
[ Am I dead? ] [ + Roy ]
11-28; [ Video ]
[ Songs and confidence ] [ + Mitsuki ]
11-29; [ Video ]
[ Wild Rattata are vicious ] [ + Satoko, Edward, Kimblee, Harry, Tokiya, Envy, Ittoki, Lacus, Winry, Natsu, Marona ]
11-30; [ Video ]
[ Reports on the TR train robbery ] [ + Dominic ]
December '11
12-01; [ Video ]
[ What about Pokemon's families? ] [ + Tot ]
12-07; [ Video ]
[ When I forget ] [ + Madoka ]
12-08; [ Log ]
[ Loving fathers ] [ + the Other Father ]
12-10; [ Video ]
[ 4th wall -- Al is an armor again ] [ + Alphonse ]
12-10; [ Action ]
[ 4th wall -- mindfuck to the max ] [ + Envy ]
12-10; [ AU ]
[ 4th wall -- 2003!Hughes meets Archer ] [ + Archer ]
12-10; [ Action ]
[ 4th wall -- Hello, Mad Bomber... ] [ + Kimblee ]
12-14; [ Text ]
[ Where is that music coming from? ] [ + Kimblee ]
12-15; [ Video ]
[ "Victor" defeats Falkner ] [ + Envy ]
12-15; [ Log ]
[ Meeting Tot for the first time ] [ + Tot, Nagi ]
12-16; [ Video ]
[ Bradley's son is here... ] [ + Selim ]
12-16; [ Log ]
[ Meeting "Victor" for the first time ] [ + Envy ]
12-18; [ Video ]
[ On making friends ] [ + Athrun ]
12-21; [ Video ]
[ Fuhrer?! ] [ + Bradley ]
12-23; [ Log ]
[ Wrestling is... fun...? ] [ + Natsu ]
12-24; [ Video ]
[ Making sweet music ] [ + Envy ]
12-25; [ Video ]
[ Mysterious presents from home ] [ + Kimblee ]
12-25; [ Video ]
[ Excited for Christmas ] [ + Jesus ]
12-25; [ Video ]
[ Christmas gifts from home ] [ + Roy ]
12-25; [ Log ]
[ Meeting Selim in person ] [ + Selim, Sloth ]
12-26; [ Video ]
[ Wang Fire ] [ + Katara, Sokka ]
12-28; [ Video ]
[ A whole other way to defeat Pokemon ] [ + Emmy ]
January '12
01-03; [ Video ]
[ Look at my pretties ] [ + Selim, Archer, Discord, Lust, Lion, Crow, Heather, Cecil, Envy, Ryner, Sakura, Lacus, Natsu, Danny, Santa, Sloth, Yuuri, Bradley, Butt-Head, Marona, Rapunzel, China ]
01-04; [ Video ]
[ Boyfriends and girlfriends ] [ + Maria ]
OOC Timeline
11-21; [ OOC ]
[ Intro Post ]11-30; [ Meme ]
[ Amnesia: Envy ]12-02; [ Meme ]
[ CR + tl;dr ]12-16; [ Meme ]
[ IC Gift Lists ]12-16; [ Meme ]
[ HMD ]12-18; [ OOC ]
[ 2011 Presents List ] Character Relationships
Updated sporadically and once two or more threads have been made. If you think your character belongs here, let me know!Cannon
[ Trainer: Roy ]; [
king_of_flames ]
Roy is, and has always been, one of Maes' best friends. However, this Roy is from two years into Maes' future, so it's a little weird. Roy has been here 6 months longer than Maes, and has been working his way through the gyms, trying to find a way home, and also fighting against evil Team Rocket. Maes is trying his hardest to support his friend by going "undercover" as a a loyal Team Rocket member and relaying information.
[ Trainer: Ed ]; [
fullmetalbro ]
Description will eventually go here.
[ Breeder: Al ]; [
displcedsoul ]
Description will eventually go here.
[ Trainer: "Victor" ]; [
exeggutorhead ]
Description will eventually go here.
[ Grunt: Major Kimblee ]; [
explosivecombat ]
Kimblee has been quite forthcoming in offering information -- both good and bad. They worked together once to fight a war and now are both part of this "Team Rocket" organization. Maes still doesn't know much about Kimblee, but he's seen enough to know that he'd much rather stay on this man's good side. Plus, Kimblee always has some pretty interesting theories about this place
[ Grunt: "Isabella" ]; [
usedrecover ]
A woman from Amestris who claims to have made friends with Maes the last time he was here in this strange world (though, he really can't remember ever being here before.) She seems nice enough, and knows a great deal about him and his family (which isn't surprising, because even almost strangers probably knew something of Elicia by now.) She claims to be a supporter of the arts and seems to be nice.
[ Grunt: Colonel Archer ]; [
sadisticwarfare ]
This man claims to not only know Maes, but have worked under him for some length of time. But Maes has no recollection of a Frank Archer at all. Archer claims that there are two different versions of Amestris, but Maes is not sure he altogether believes that theory yet. Then again, with the crazy things that have happened lately, anything could be possible. Either way, they're "co-workers" of some sort now.
[ Grunt: Winry ]; [
themechotaku ]
Description will eventually go here.
[ Trainer: Selim ]; [
blackholedson ]
While Selim is the son of the Fuhrer, that has no bearings on how Maes treats him. He's just a kid in Maes' eyes, and this could be a dangerous world for kids. Selim seems like a very sweet, enthusiastic little boy, and one that Maes has grown somewhat fond of.
[ Trainer: Sloth ]; [
namingisapain ]
Selim's... pet goth... friend... who tags along with him everywhere. Maes is unsure what to think of this tall fellow. He is quite strange.
[ Trainer: Fuhrer Bradley ]; [
notrueking ]
Description will eventually go here.
[ Trainer: Major Armstrong ]; [
majorlydazzled ]
Description will eventually go here.
[ Trainer: Tot ]; [
papas_bunnydoll ]
Tot is innocent and childlike and Maes took an immediate liking to her. She asks a lot of really intelligent, caring questions, and he can tell that she's a very sweet little girl. He's kind of become rather attached to her now, so, while she may not need it, he's going to protect her and wants to make sure that she's always happy.
[ Trainer: 2n Lt. Dominic ]; [
usedmapquest ]
Dominic is only 20, but is already a very bright and promising young man. He actually enjoys investigating and finding out new thing about this world and it's organizations. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to get to his ranking at such a young age, Maes would know. And he certainly has a lot of respect for Dominic.
[ Trainer: Natsu ]; [
dragneelflame ]
Description will eventually go here.
Breeder: Harry
Breeder: Other Father
Grunt: Gorthan