Title: My Heartbeat Pairing: GTOP Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jiyong has the perfect job and the perfect boss...well he thought he was... Beta: arsinen ( Read more... )
Title: My Heartbeat chapter8(3) Pairing: GTOp Rating:pg13 Summary: Jiyong has the dream job and boss...well his boss is not completely perfect. Beta: arsinen
Title: My Heartbeat chapter8(3) Pairing: GTOp Rating:pg13 Summary: Jiyong has the dream job and boss...well his boss is not completely perfect. Beta: arsinen
Title: Chat Chat Instant Messenger (Chat 2) Pairing: GTOP Rating: PG Summary: Jiyong and Seunghyun's chats on "Chat chat" Disclaimer: This is all fiction.