Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses Part 9
Spoilers: Through Season 2
Word Count: 2090
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns all of it. Me-none.
AN: We're back to Jeff's POV here. Thank you AGAIN to everyone who is reading! I promise at some point Jeff and Annie might even interact here. Probably.
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Comments 42
Plus it's a genuinely adorable Jeff/Shirley scene. They made cookie dough together to calm him down! Cutest, greatest visual ever. I love how you've included the other members of the study group in this so that I hardly even mind that Jeff and Annie haven't had any direct interaction for several chapters. Lol.
So back to Italy in the next chapter right? I can't wait to see what Annie's up to.
Disregarding that, this is a great Jeff/Shirley scene. Can't wait to get back to Annie!
I can't wait to read more, great job <333
(I'm just kidding)
Also... I'm in a strange Jeff/Shirley kick. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!?
And uh, I hope this doesn't sound shitty or anything, but I'm always more interested in what's going on with Jeff than with Annie :P It's not your fanfic or your style, I'm just like a carriage horse with those things that cover their eyes so they stay focused...
Not shitty at all. I think it's partly because Annie is alone in another country and only has Rich to talk to and partly that you can't focus on things that aren't McHale-shaped ;). Thank you for reading!
Also, you can't blame me for loving a dude whose face is practically an emoticon:
( ... )
You're joking about that cookie dough thing, right? Cuz...damn.
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